I am running a campaign and the players will be exploring a enchant jedi ruins long lost to history, and i can't decide on what would kinds of loot would be in the ruins ans not just handing a bunch of smugglers a lightsaber
Jedi Ruins
Ancient data core with forgotten hyperspace routes that let the smugglers bypass some particularly gnarly Imperial patrols? (Just don't roll any Threats on the Astrogation check!)
Hmm, off the top of my head 🤔
- A Holocron buried deep within the Ruins. Perhaps with a gatekeeper of sorts to defend it or a puzzle to unlock it
- A hidden box filled with interesting cyclindrical parts used for some kind of crafting? What could those be?
- A Lightsaber Crytal, a unique sapphire gem stone.
- Ancient books filled with Jedi Lore
- Hyperspace routes to planets like Ilum or Tython.
Nothing. It was looted of Jedi loot a long time ago. Sorry to say.
However, there may be one or more things there of more recent vintage. Have a talk with yourself about what's go on with this place since its fall. Who or what has come and gone over the centuries (millennia?) since it was used by the Jedi.
Also, place anything you *want* the players to have there.
29 minutes ago, RLogue177 said:Nothing. It was looted of Jedi loot a long time ago.
That's kind of what I was thinks, to give some context, they are going to be looking for an old rare and powerful jedi holocron for a hutt and the empire is there searching for it too
5 hours ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:
- A Lightsaber Crytal, a unique sapphire gem stone.
- Ancient books filled with JedI
And this could also be usefull for them to sell later on in the black market or something
Thinking about it more, just handing a bunch of smugglers a lightsaber sounds awesome. Plenty of hijinks to be had. Trying to use it. Trying to fence it. Running from an Inquisitor who thinks they're lost Jedi.
Give it a trait called Defective Relic. Upgrade checks to use it once. On a Despair, the wielder deals a Crit to themselves.
4 hours ago, rogue_09 said:Thinking about it more, just handing a bunch of smugglers a lightsaber sounds awesome. Plenty of hijinks to be had. Trying to use it. Trying to fence it. Running from an Inquisitor who thinks they're lost Jedi.
Give it a trait called Defective Relic. Upgrade checks to use it once. On a Despair, the wielder deals a Crit to themselves.
I let my smuggler player get a hold on a lightsaber. He managed to crit himself the first check
It was memorable!
I'm partial to the "nothing" answer. (I did something similar to my group when they tracked down a lost planet with a fabled ancient treasure: short version, the "treasure" was a way to rekindle the planet's population. My wife still hasn't forgiven me for depriving her character of the riches she was chasing...and that session was about 2 years ago.)
But, if you wanted to get kinda out there...there could be a passage to the World Between Worlds. Inside, they might find some baddie who's been trapped inside for some countless, extended time. Getting out and stopping him requires the destruction of the passage. When I did something like this for one of my groups (set about 250 years post-RotJ), they encountered Jerec from Dark Forces II in there.
12 hours ago, rogue_09 said:Thinking about it more, just handing a bunch of smugglers a lightsaber sounds awesome. Plenty of hijinks to be had. Trying to use it. Trying to fence it. Running from an Inquisitor who thinks they're lost Jedi.
Give it a trait called Defective Relic. Upgrade checks to use it once. On a Despair, the wielder deals a Crit to themselves.
Maybe that could be a fun idea, this is going to be all my players first rpg game, so letting so more crazy things happen is a good idea, thanks for the info
13 hours ago, rogue_09 said:Give it a trait called Defective Relic. Upgrade checks to use it once. On a Despair, the wielder deals a Crit to themselves.
I do the upgrade as a matter of course for non-Force users to use a lightsaber. The way I see it, a lot of the more “common” Jedi maneuvers with a lightsaber require the Force running as “background music” to the lightsaber use.
Depending on what the place was used for, there would be a lot of relatively mundane stuff that might still be of interest to historians/researchers/etc even if it doesn't have any direct relevance to force use or the Jedi's signature tools/technology/training. Nonperishable supplies, components, and so on could be taken and used or sold as-is. Records, artwork, and other curios would take some legwork but a buyer could probably be found (or trouble happen if a Despair comes up when trying to find one).
Whatever they get should be somewhat difficult to sell or off load. Sure, even an ancient Jedi toilet seat could be worth enough to the right buyer, but with the Imperial crackdown on all things Jedi, your players should start to figure out that Jedi artifacts could be more trouble than they are worth. Suppose they sell their item to a local fence, then come across a news report on the HoloNet the next day "A local art dealer was killed after resisting arrest by ISB, earlier today. ISB officals reported that the art dealer had recently come into possession of several items of contraband and was trying to fence the illegal items on the black market. When ISB detained the dealer for questioning, he produced a pistol and fired at officers, forcing them to return fire which tragically resulted in the death of the art dealer. An ISB investigation into the matter is ongoing." Then sit back and watch your players sweat bullets as to whether the 'investigation' revealed their connection.
Edited by LugWrenchThats a good idea on what to do with artifacts and stuff found at the ruins, I currently have them set up on a run in with the rebels and imperial both trying to get the holocron, and the reason for getting to the holocron is for a hutt, so it that's how I am going to see what side they fall on rebels bounty hunter(middle) or imperial(problay this one) or I suppose they could keep it for themselves and do what the last to folks said