Ending the game on initiative?

By jpspore, in Horus Heresy

Okay, I know I have to be missing something, but I can't see it.

What rule is in place to stop the Imperial Player from placing all his orders to the strategic map, drawing more orders, placing more orders, etc, and ending up at the initiative victory at the end of the track? He has over thirty cards, and the way I'm seeing this now, he can potentially advance it over 60 spaces on his turn without fighting a single battle.

Like I said, I know I'm missing something - what is it?

jpspore said:

Okay, I know I have to be missing something, but I can't see it.

What rule is in place to stop the Imperial Player from placing all his orders to the strategic map, drawing more orders, placing more orders, etc, and ending up at the initiative victory at the end of the track? He has over thirty cards, and the way I'm seeing this now, he can potentially advance it over 60 spaces on his turn without fighting a single battle.

Like I said, I know I'm missing something - what is it?

You mean after the Traitor does his first turn? Assuming the Traitor does, let's say Port Landing (1 init cost), his token is 1 ahead of the Imperial one. Now the Imp is the current player. He places 1 order on the strat map (1 cost), his token moves on top of the Traitor one, but Imp still has initiative. His second turn, the Imperial places another order on the strat map (1 cost), now his token moves ahead of the Traitor token. Traitor becomes current player and it's his turn(s) next.

jpspore said:

Okay, I know I have to be missing something, but I can't see it.

What rule is in place to stop the Imperial Player from placing all his orders to the strategic map, drawing more orders, placing more orders, etc, and ending up at the initiative victory at the end of the track? He has over thirty cards, and the way I'm seeing this now, he can potentially advance it over 60 spaces on his turn without fighting a single battle.

Like I said, I know I'm missing something - what is it?

At the start of every round (before the action step) the current player is detirmined by checking whose marker is closest to the start of the initiative track. Or if on the same space, who is on top. You cant choose to just keep on taking actions.

So it's not possible for the Imperial player to do what you have just discribed because at some point, the traitor's marker will be closer to the start of the iniative track than the imperial player, so will become the current player.

Heh, I get it....

I'm a dork. We were confused because it doesn't explicitly state that you only get one action per action phase. They used a definite article in the wording to get this meaning across, but that wasn't something I noticed when reading through all the rules.

Thanks folks!