My top three at the moment (I am only playing solo)
1. Black Widow
2. Captain Marvel
3. Captain America
Which heroes are you enjoying at the moment?
Thank you.
Edited by vmossSpelling
My top three at the moment (I am only playing solo)
1. Black Widow
2. Captain Marvel
3. Captain America
Which heroes are you enjoying at the moment?
Thank you.
Edited by vmoss1. Cap/Protection- It’s super fun keeping the villain in a state of stunlock.
2.Spiderman/Justice- I just like this combo, it’s balanced pretty well
3. Black Widow/Leadership- Winter Soldier with Rapid response is awesome. I dealt 14 damage with him for just the 2 cost of Rapid Response.
Black Widow
third is tough, cause he’s new Thor
Dr Strange
captain Marvel
Miss Marvel
I love all my heroes equally
That said: She-Hulk, Captain Marvel, Captain America
I like them all, but recently I have been playing a lot of solo to confirm my suspicions if solo is easier then multi-player for me.
Solo I like...
Ms Marvel / Justice - Super fun and very strong, sets up well stores combos, has defense ,allies, thwart, attack, resources, great flip healing.
Black Widow/ Stock Justice - just got her (finally after the Asmodee snafu) super strong just have to remember must of her stuff is mode dependent. My son plays here in multi-player now
Capt Marvel / Prot - Didnt play her much in the core set, I dont have Dr Strange and we needed a Protection hero now that IM is reverting back to leadership.
My favourite combo is double leadership Dr Strange/Capt Marvel. I accidentally ended up with 2 Captain America’s - so plenty of leadership cards to play with!
Having double leaderships means you’re always bouncing Hawkeye/Maria Hill/Squirrel Girl in and out of play!
We have been playing Dr. Strange and Black Widow since we received them a few weeks back and they have blasted through every scenario, except Ultron at expert
They just work so good together, stunning, confusing and Dr. Strange handing our tough left and right
1. Dr. Strange
2. Black Widow
3. Miss Marvel
I'm always playing with my brother, so always at least two players. Current favorites in no particular order:
1. Iron Man/ Justice
2. Captain Marvel/ Aggression
3. Doctor Strange/ Protection
I'm sure I'd love Captain America too, but he's my brother's favorite. So no experience there.
The hero I've had the most success with... Captain America / Protection. Love "stunlock Steve"!
The hero with cool mechanics I enjoy the most... Black Widow / Justice. I like her preparation cards and how switching to alter ego is often more than just wanting to heal or draw an extra card.
The hero I like most thematically... Iron Man. Having to build up your suit gradually and hope you can keep things under control until it's complete and then you're a multitasking powerhouse is really cool.
1. Dr Strange.
2. Dr. Strange.
3. Everyone else.
Black Widow and Thor have probably been the most fun for me.