Out of Print?

By Redcrow, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I've tried to buy JitD from 3 different places that claimed to have it in stock when I placed the order and then informed me a few days later that they in fact did not have it in stock afterall. Is this game still being produced?

I was under the impression that Descent was one of FFG more popular franchises, so it seems odd they aren't keeping retailers supplied. I found a couple of used copies for sale on ebay, but I'm not too keen on buying a used version only to find out later that pieces are missing.

I've seen three copies in three different stores within the last week. I suppose it might just be a matter of cracking the phonebook open and calling game stores until you locate one.

I also found it odd that they allowed a game as (seemingly) popular as Descent run out of copies for most online retailers.

It's also possible that the online vendors were just being lazy about their stock updates and so didn't realise they were out of Descent until someone actually asked for it. Are we talking big name eRetail like Amazon or some smaller place that specializes in board games?

In any event, no Descent is not out of print. It's possible the current print run is drying up, in which case I would expect a new print run to begin shortly. It is definitely one of FFG's more popular titles. The expansions are coming hot and heavy with no particular sign of letting up, so the base game should still be in print to support those products as well.

I second the idea of checking local game stores. Possibly stores from surrounding cities if you're out in the boonies somewhere the doesn't have gaming stores of its own. I know I've seen copies on shelves recently.

Steve-O said:

It's also possible that the online vendors were just being lazy about their stock updates and so didn't realise they were out of Descent until someone actually asked for it. Are we talking big name eRetail like Amazon or some smaller place that specializes in board games?

Well, the first place I tried was rpgshop.com which I found through Amazon. Then I tried nobleknight.com which listed 3 in stock. Checking other places I started to notice a lot of sites listing it as "out of stock" and checking the FFG site and seeing it listed as "unavailable" had me worried that maybe the game wasn't being produced any more. Good to know that isn't the case.

Luckily someone from this site sent me an email with a lead on where one could be found, so I placed another order and hope this time its actually "in stock".