It’s back?

By Brownmantle, in The Lord of the Rings: The Board Game

Looks like an anniversary edition due at the end of August.



It looks like they fixed Pippin! In the previous edition, the one with the Rohan garb was Merry and the one with the Minastirith uniform was Pippin, contrary to the story. Looks like they swappes the names in this edition.

(Please forgive me for butchering the spelling.)

Edited by Budgernaut

Yep, it's back. The Anniversary Edition is coming out...or should I say, "Anniversary Edition" with quotes. I have no clue why they didn't include all expansions with this one and make it a Big Box. Either that, or they should have mentioned if they were going to reprint the expansions as well. If they're not going to do that, then I see no reason to get the "Anniversary Edition" because you can find used copies of the original base game on ebay.

So is this game any good? I have a small collection of middle earth games, and I'm wondering if it's worth picking up.