star wars legion tank commander STLs

By PhoenixOfCopper, in Painting

I am looking for STL files to represent the commander cards that come in the AAT and the sabor tank boxes.

I hope to be able to switch the commanders freely between battles and thinking of using magnets to aid in swapping.

Edited by PhoenixOfCopper
On 6/22/2020 at 1:54 PM, PhoenixOfCopper said:

I am looking for STL files to represent the commander cards that come in the AAT and the sabor tank boxes.

I hope to be able to switch the commanders freely between battles and thinking of using magnets to aid in swapping.

I am replying so that this thread is more complete and helpful for others wishing to do the same alteration to their tanks.

I was able to find STL files for Plo Koon and Luk Durd. I have added urls below.

-Plo Koon, or wizard warrior sentinel and tank accessory on skull forge studios.

-Luk Durd, or hefty federalist general on skull forge studios.

both can be found at this url.

I am still looking for an OOM-series droid pilot and Aayla Secura stl. I would like for the figures to fit in the turret of the tanks.

I don't think you would need a separate model for the Pilot droid? Just don't attach the antenna and you should be good.

I was mistaken. I meant the T-Series tactical droid.


On 6/25/2020 at 4:05 PM, PhoenixOfCopper said:

I was mistaken. I meant the T-Series tactical droid.


Did you find one? Im interested as well.

very interesting I will have to try this.

Thank you

SebMiniatures has stl files for all of the tank comma ders available. I have printed them myself and they work nicely.

They are available via his gunroad site:

12 minutes ago, GergRyPal said:

SebMiniatures has stl files for all of the tank comma ders available. I have printed them myself and they work nicely.

They are available via his gunroad site:

The droid holding the hologram projector is great. If I had a separatist army I'd print that one for my tank.