I have a reasonably well-painted Kayn Somos figure, and it's really a shame that I cannot use it as an open group (like with Terro), so I've come up with the attached custom deployment card
- The elite unit mimics the Elite Stormtrooper's abilities damage and buffs, with some leader abilities:
- Gets the Leader trait (obviously, thus better used with an Inspiring Leadership deck)
- Slightly better health than an elite Stormie
- 5 deployment points because 6 would get me a whole regular Stormtrooper group
- Gets Sqaud training because of course
- Gets Squad command from Kayn instead of Last stand
- Gets my new little special action named Squad tactics, which moves or attacks with a teammate like an elite officer + interaction, but stuns it as well so executive order is still more powerful.
- ...and gets a free surge to be able to use these goodies, but with need of an attack which a white dice easily mitigates.
- 6 health because 5 health is an elite stormie for 3TP reinforcement cost, and 7 would be OP, because Kayn has only 12 for 10DP.
Edited by edboyww