X-34 Landspeeder
Probably my favorite landspeeder I've seen yet, I'd love to see more of you work.
That's a great landspeeder! Nicely done.
The weathering and damage on the landspeeder looks amazing. It gives the model a lot of character. This is what the equipment of a ragtag group of guerilla fighters should look like.
Great work! That certainly looks well-used.
Thanks for the kind words. I had a good time painting it.
Finished these this morning
Those look awesome too. I love the dark, gritty colors.
Even cracked the glass. Looks like a piece of junk (in a good way). Nice touch.
Nice work!
Just ordered mine, cant wait to paint!
Landspeeders are always among of my favorites minis. But yours is on top of that! Great job!