icebreaker or piece of ice

By Grungyape, in Rules Questions

I'm sorry, maybe I'm missing something, what the heck does this mean?

I originally assumed "ice" was the way you would block someone from hacking your system, and therefore the "icebreaker" was your skill at hacking, but the way i see them written its like they are physical things.

Example, I have an ice rating of 3, so to hack my system you have a difficulty of 3, but you have icebreaker 1, so its now difficulty 2.

Help please?


Edited by Swordbreaker

ICE and Icebreakers are just pieces of software. They are more like equipment for computers than skills. ICE has a rating that must be met or overcome by a hacker. The hackers roll 2 difficulty (purple) with their computer (hacking) skill. They must generate enough success to meet or exceed the ICE rating. E.g. an Ice Wall has a rating of 5. So the hacker would need to roll at least 5 success to overcome it.

Icebreakers are like weapons for hackers. They add their rating as success to overcoming ICE. In the example above if the hacker had a Battering Ram icebreaker then they would only need 1 success to get through the Ice Wall. If the ICE was Hadrian Wall (Rating 8 ) then the hacker with Battering Ram would need to generate at least 2 success to overcome it.

Like any given skill check you still need to generate at least 1 success to succeed at the check.

Edited by Noahjam325

OK, show while I different approach that I envisioned, it is as I was thinking. One helps you hack, the other defend!

Perfect explanation, thank you!