I am currently running my fourth and fifth campaigns and I know how I have done things in the past but I am always looking to improve my game (pun intended). I would love to hear your thoughts on the following and how YOU do things. Do you use RAW and like them, or do house rules or skip things entirely? Have your opinions changed over time?
- Encumbrance- Boring skippable bookkeeping or important for balance? Do you make your characters use belt pouches/backpacks/other things to carry stuff over encumbrance threshold? I generally have skipped it unless the characters go nuts and become a walking arsenal or swiss-army knife. Now I'm considering giving them 5+ 2x Brawn rating.
- Rarity and checks to find items- Do you make them roll for easy/average things? I've read some posts here where players enjoyed shopping and maybe not finding what they wanted but in my past games players who spent time researching what they want were super frustrated at not finding a rarity 5-6 item.
- Automatic Rarity increases- We play Edge of the Empire and Age of Rebellion mostly in the Outer Rim worlds. Does that mean that EVERYTHING is more rare at a baseline or is that punishing? My players don't usually have difficulty finding things they want unless they are super rare, and I rarely (if I even remember) increase rarity. Perhaps I am playing the game too much like a Core Worlds game (or Nar Shadda) where anything is available and not like an Outer Worlds game.
- Losing/Damaging player equipment- How often does equipment get lost or damaged? Is that fun to repair/replace or punishing? I haven't ever really damaged or caused a piece of gear, especially primary weapons/gear, to become lost.
- Ships are expensive- How much do you have a player's ship drain their resources, especially if it gets damaged? I don't usually deal with it unless it is seriously messed up in a space battle. Often when that happens I have them land someplace and do a job for someone who will fix their ship, taking at least a few days on planet.
- Ships have beds- Do your players ever stay in hotels or local lodging? My players always sleep on the ship because why wouldn't they?
- Cash-strapped economy - Are your players barely making ends meet and always looking for a way to earn money or do they live comfortably? My players are not cash-strapped and usually have at least a few thousand credits each saved up if not more.
- Beyond Basic equipment - Do your players use stuff in the splat/expansion books or just basic gear? I have all the books and none of my players have any. I'm fine with them using almost anything official but nobody ever looks for stuff. This usually results in me having them find "cool" items in an adventure. There is so much awesome stuff but they don't know what they don't know about.
- Obligation - Awesome narrative tool for player buy-in to their universe or over-complicated mechanical fluff? In my first campaigns I used it, but it never worked that well and players were confused by it. Also our sessions take a while and progress is slow (depending on the group) so they might take 4-5 sessions to complete one small mission/story arc. It seemed weird to roll obligation each session when they really only moved from one building to the next in the same day between play sessions. I currently skip it entirely but worry I might be doing them (and the system) a disservice.
- Stimpacks and Emergency Repair Kits - Who needs a doctor/medic when anyone can just pop a healing potion? Does this drag fights out or does it make it more fun? My players usually have between 2-5 stimpacks/Repair Kits on each of them at all times. I currently use them RAW but they seem pretty strong. Why don't all enemies in the game also have them under basic essential equipment if they are so strong?