Warhammer Universe Lore a factor?

By jgt7771, in Death Angel

I was never into Warhammer (past or future) mostly because I was shackled with a tiny wallet and the painting skills of a blender, and all the measuring sticks and templates were intimidating. But Space Hulk was quite nifty, because I didn't really have to know what anything was in any greater scheme. Just that these dudes hated those things and vice versa. I never got to play with the Space Hulk expansions, but I did see them a couple of times in play, and I got a bit of a sinking feeling that Games Workshop was trying to wedge some of the larger Warhammer concepts into it, obviously to feed the target audience. Kinda fell out of the whole thing entirely.

But I loves me some co-ops. Getting a little ravenous for it now that I've awakened the hunger in a few others with Arkham Horror. My concern is that buying this first issue of "Superman" isn't going to mean having to read up on a few years of "Justice League" so I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. (A few of my AH buddies are like that; one of them is actually reading Lovecraft as we speak.) Warhammer chronology has never felt like so easy a topic to just "read up on"...feels more like a multi-year college major.

Of course, I'm probably jumping the Storm Bolter something fierce here, so feel free to tell me to shut up, wait for the game, and don't worry so much. gran_risa.gif


I would not worry too much, a lot of what was the original Space Hulk lore has now disappeared. Subsumed into the kiddie friendly marketing world of the modern GW.

If you think of the movie Aliens, but put the colonial marines in Starship Trooper (the book) armour you cannot go far wrong - after all that is were GW got their inspiration from. The background fluff adds colour but is not necessary to enjoy the game -

If anything in this case it might be hindrance when some fan boy keeps interrupting to announce that just would not happen (in his favouritesci fi/fantasy game) and throws his toys out of the pram - still another cheap deal on eBay?


I don't think you'll need to know anything about 40K lore to be able to play and enjoy Death Angel.

I played and enjoyed Death Angel despite having intentionally avoided Warhammer 40K lore most of my life.

It's a great game. All you need to know is that they are unit of space marines fighting a hive of vicious, lizard/insectlike alien monsters.

I agree you dont need to know the fluff to play but it does make it more interesting.

Just as there are derelict ships on the oceans of Earth, so are there derelict ships in space. And while the vessels we find now may have nothing worse than rats, gulls, and rotten food, those found in space contain far worse.

And now you've been brought up to speed.

I know NOTHING about Warhammer 40K lore and I understand and enjoy this game quite a bit.