Wanting to use Solo real bad but with Cassian had this idea.
Lots of close range pistol shooters handing out suppression and death to multiple units. Pretty damaging shooting if they can survive...but since all pistol carriers have some sort of bonus to their defense...hopefully it pans out.
++ Standard (Rebel Alliance) [799 Points] ++
+ Commander +
•Cassian Andor† [112 Points]: A280†, Endurance, Offensive Push, Recon Intel
•Han Solo [134 Points]: Endurance, Environmental Gear, Esteemed Leader
+ Operative +
•K-2SO† [80 Points]: •Jyn's SE-14 Blaster†
•Sabine Wren [169 Points]: Electro Grappling Line, Personal Combat Shield, Tenacity, •The Darksaber
+ Corps +
Rebel Troopers [60 Points]: SX-21 Trooper
Rebel Troopers [60 Points]: SX-21 Trooper
Rebel Troopers [40 Points]
+ Special Forces +
Rebel Commandos [48 Points]: DH-447 Sniper
Rebel Commandos [48 Points]: DH-447 Sniper
Rebel Commandos [48 Points]: DH-447 Sniper
+ Command Hand +
Command Hand: Sorry About the Mess, •Crack Shot†, ••Last Stand†, ••Symbol of Rebellion, •••Legacy of Mandalore, •••Volunteer Mission†, ••••Standing Orders
+ Battle Cards +
Condition Cards: Clear Conditions, Hostile Environment, Limited Visibility, Rapid Reinforcements
Deployment Cards: Advanced Positions, Battle Lines, Disarray, Major Offensive
Objective Cards: Intercept the Transmissions, Key Positions, Recover the Supplies, Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators
++ Total: [799 Points] ++
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