This was our second attempt at a 3 player game. The first went horribly. This one only slightly less so.
It's beyond difficult, it's just a constant slew of lining up junk, being able to move extremely fast, and running items back and forth across the map. Meta gaming seems required: we made sure to have Rita Young (+1 move) and Ursula Downs (can move 1 space before of after doing an explore/sight token); I was Norman Withers, who's ability was completely useless, more so than the ACTION ones usually are given how pressed for time we were. Everyone ran out of clues really early on (with me narrowing getting 2 later one from ringing the bell, the both Rita and Ursula went insane and Ursula ended up dying, as usual.
Once you get wounded by the mob, it's nearly impossible to escape. The combination or only being able to take one move action, getting constantly damaged and stunned with no possible way to avoid that, and the other monsters coming out of the woodwork, she was in a death spiral and unable to flee.
The only reason we got anywhere was Norman getting Plumb the Void spell and using that to teleport back and forth.
But here's the worst part: We technically lost, we "cheated" to "win"; I still assert that we rightfully lost, but we honestly needed to end the game because it had gone on for about 4 hours now.
When Ursula died, Rita just made it to the boat, Norman already waiting there after becoming unlost from time and space (that was pretty fun at least). We go to leave: the captain informs us we need to get the Agent, which was impossible at that point.
Why on EARTH does the agent not get there on his own? HE SAYS to us "I'll be there when the boat comes", THE CAPTAIN doesn't remind us until we actively hit that "let's go!" button. The game flat out lies, and so deeming this unfair Ursula's player decided to blast it and pretend we got the agent on board, so we could finally see the end. Honestly, of all the problems with this scenario, that's the one that truly breaks it. If this super secret special agent moved himself, or at least SIGNIFIED PREVIOUSLY THAT YOU WILL NEED TO COME REMIND HIM TO GET ON THE BOAT LIKE SOME KIND OF CHILD, then this scenario would at least possibly be on the way to"tough but fair" status. But as is, it just seems unfair, as there is still a ton of metagaming involved with knowing what evidence is where that needs to go the agent, where the key to the chapel is, and even the monster spawns. Absolutely, the worst scenario in this game that has otherwise been quite stellar, even when we do lose.