Another Task Force game against my usual opponent in Sierra Vista. He continues to prepare for the Task Force tournament that has been postponed indefinitely until COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Here are the lists:
Name: Task Force Organa
Assault: Most Wanted
Defense: Hyperspace Assault
Navigation: Solar Corona
Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36)
• External Racks (3)
• Task Force Organa (1)
= 40 Points
Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36)
• External Racks (3)
• Task Force Organa (1)
= 40 Points
Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36)
• External Racks (3)
• Task Force Organa (1)
= 40 Points
Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36)
• External Racks (3)
• Task Force Organa (1)
= 40 Points
Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36)
• External Racks (3)
• Task Force Organa (1)
= 40 Points
= 0 Points
Total Points: 200
I did not think that I was going to win or anything with this list, but it just looked really fun on paper. Lots of activations with the ability to ram something like Admonition to death (no @ArmadaMatt , of course I didn't make this list specifically for you...).
Name: Task Force Centicore
Assault: Surprise Attack
Defense: Asteroid Tactics
Navigation: Dangerous Territory
Arquitens Light Cruiser (54)
• Skilled First Officer (1)
• Reinforced Blast Doors (5)
• Slaved Turrets (6)
• Centicore (3)
= 69 Points
Arquitens Light Cruiser (54)
• Skilled First Officer (1)
• Reinforced Blast Doors (5)
• Slaved Turrets (6)
= 66 Points
Gozanti Cruisers (23)
• Darth Vader (1)
= 24 Points
• Ciena Ree (17)
• Valen Rudor (13)
= 30 Points
Total Points: 189
Another version of my opponent's Arquitens list using Reinforced Blast Doors instead of Early Warning System. I guess he wanted a larger bid, as I suggested to him that Slaved Turrets goes better with EWS and RBD goes better with Turbolaser Reroute Circuits or Linked Turbolaser Towers.
My opponent had initiative and chose to be second player. I chose Surprise Attack as the objective.
Note: So apparently, myself and the majority of my Armada friends can't read. I have had several discussions about Surprise Attack and have played it once, always thinking that only the flagship received the raid token in the first, second, and third rounds. Nope; it's every ship. None of us caught that until now, so yeah, that was a terrible objective choice for an MSU.
Deployment: I deployed my flagship on the back of the station moving straight to the right. He then deployed his Gozanti in the back right corner. I then set up my Hammerhead gunline in the right corner, with his Arquitens and squadrons going in the right-center.
Round 1: He revealed a Navigate dial for the objective and each of my ships received a Navigate Raid token. I moved my flagship forward and barely clipped the debris field. His Arquitens moved straight ahead while my gunline began the turn to the left.
Round 2: He revealed a Concentrate Fire dial for the objective and each of my ships received the matching Raid token. I ditched my dial with my flagship to clear the Raid tokens, then sped up to 3 to try and catch the Gozanti. He then fired at my flagship at long range for minimal damage, while he flung his squadrons on the station to protect them (he failed to realize that the station obstructed his squadrons too). I attacked then rammed Centicore with my two leftmost Hammerheads, with one moving back to the station to clear the damage card. He used RBD on Centicore to remove the two damage cards.
Round 3: He revealed up a Navigate dial for the objective and each of my ships received the Raid token. I started my activation by getting Centicore down to one hull (after the ram), but was unable to destroy it before it shot and then moved away (but not before destroying that Hammerhead). The game ended here as we both had things come up, so the score after three rounds using our proposed Task Force Tournament scoring system was 80-0 (7-4, 80 MoV).
Thoughts: This was a very fun list to fly that just chose the wrong objective (I should have gone with Dangerous Territory). Surprise Attack just hampered me a lot more than expected, as I couldn't speed up in time to get all the Hammerheads on line. RBD did its job in saving Centicore , but EWS would still have negated more damage this game for my opponent. I will definitely be flying this list again though.
Hope you enjoyed the BATREP!