Drummernaut and Ganger Chieftain

By big rocks, in KeyForge

name Brobnar as my house.

Play Drummernaut exhausted.

Play Ganger Chieftain exhausted.

ready, and reap with Drummernaut.

rinse and repeat forever? Is there a limit to reaping in one turn?


The rule of six says,


Occasionally, a situation may emerge in which, through a combination of abilities, the same card may be played or used repeatedly during the same turn. A player cannot play and/or use the same card and/or other copies of that card (by title) more than six times during a given turn.

So if you have Drummernaut and Ganger Chieftain in your hand, you can gain 5 Æmber if your opponent has no creatures in play before the rule of six stops you from continuing to use the Drummernaut.

Are you keyforge admin?

Nope, just a player, though maybe a slightly obsessed one :) .

If you'd rather see people from FFG answer this exact question, they do that in Crucible Cast 8:

On 6/14/2020 at 11:57 AM, blinkingline said:

The rule of six says,

So if you have Drummernaut and Ganger Chieftain in your hand, you can gain 5 Æmber if your opponent has no creatures in play before the rule of six stops you from continuing to use the Drummernaut.

Also just the point out, the rule of 6 also applies to using cards, which includes reaping - so 6 times is your limit on reaping in a turn, @big rocks .

(This is what keeps "inspiration + Witch of the Eye" from going infinite)