EA’s Star Wars Squadrons Game Achievements and Early Mission Reveal !!

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing

Anybody have some tips for mission 14? I keep getting bogged down defending the corvettes. Seems the faster I shoot down the bombers the faster I lose the corvettes or I can not find the bombers and lose the corvettes. I keep shifting my targeting to all enemies by it seems like they just do not show up. Not to mention getting circles flown around me.

Couple of things; what are you flying? And what difficulty?

Also, make sure that the wheel when switching to all enemies actually sticks on that. I’ve had it move off before before I've released. If it is on all enemies, hit the cycle target button till you find bombers.

1 hour ago, Frimmel said:

Anybody have some tips for mission 14? I keep getting bogged down defending the corvettes. Seems the faster I shoot down the bombers the faster I lose the corvettes or I can not find the bombers and lose the corvettes. I keep shifting my targeting to all enemies by it seems like they just do not show up. Not to mention getting circles flown around me.

I had problems with that as well. I was cycling through my targeting options trying to work out how to best to track the TIE Bombers. It took about half a dozen goes before I managed it.

Okay... not sure if it's my headset or just that I had the graphic settings too high for said headset but... yeah... playing Squadrons in VR was fun for about 10 minutes before I got VERY VR sick which doesn't usually kick in for HOURS... It's DEFINITELY cool to be able to sit up and look past the cockpit and see the nose of the X-Wing and it's ABSOLUTELY immersive right up until everything gets jittery and broken XD

Again, I know it's my headset either not being capable of keeping up with the visuals because I have them set too high OR just because the Rift Quest classic just can't keep up period. I need to play around more... and REALLY need to fix my bindings so I don't have to move my hands so much. While fun to flick switches on my programmable panel and toggles on my throttle in normal gameplay... REALLY bad when I'm fumbling around blind in VR!

Either that or I go to a voice attack style assist for the more complex options...

22 hours ago, Tyhar7 said:

I just googled star wars squadrons full cast list and it came up. None of them are on there, even as bit parts, which I don't expect them to be cast for anyway, they are a bit high profile for small roles, especially Matt, Laura and Ashley.

They still do a lot of "additional voices" roles. A few of them are in Fallen Order as just random soldiers (while Travis is main cast). So with them being a bit cagey about something recently and then those other EA roles, I thought maybe a few of them were in it. Alas, seems not.

I'm finding this game too simplistic compared to X-wing/TIE Fighter.

Gone is the asymmetric arsenal of the Rebellion vs the Empire. Now the TIE Fighter is essentially equivalent to an X-wing, if you add together the shield and hull hitpoints. Same with the other ships, where any ship on one side has a mirror on the other side, essentially.

Most ships can repair their hull during a battle. That was supposed to be something so unique to the ships having astromechs, but now even TIEs just press one button and can repair back to 100 hull no problem. Nobody sees a problem in this? Do you see that happening during a Star Wars movie? It's too "gamey".

All weapons have a certain amount of autoaim. You barely need to lead your targets. Instead, place your crosshair inside the targeting bracket and press the trigger. Your weapons will converge so fast towards your target that they could as well be death beams.

The corvettes are total pushovers. You can solo a corvette by getting into their blind spot and shooting at their engines. They will soon slow down and stop and you can turn them into pieces at leisure.

The different ship classes are too much artificially modelled into Rock-Paper-Scissors.
Y-wings and Bombers are silly against capital ships. They can resist like a lot of incoming fire from turbolasers while they devastate their hull at will.
On the other hand, Interceptors and A-wings are silly weak.
It's like these ships get a multiplier to incoming and outgoing damage from or to certain classes of ships, and to me that reveals too much the blunt underlying Rock-Paper-Scissor mechanics. It breaks immersion.

During the single player campaign, do you notice something weird with the NPC dialogue?
When you interact with an NPC in between missions, they just like chain multiple unrelated lines of dialog, as if between these lines the player was expected to click on different dialog options, and this feature had been removed from the game in the very last moment, and the developers resorted to just chain all responses one after another and play them together.

12 hours ago, FTS Gecko said:

I had problems with that as well. I was cycling through my targeting options trying to work out how to best to track the TIE Bombers. It took about half a dozen goes before I managed it.

It seems to me that I am always "wrong" if I try to move to intercept at the initial spawn. The spawn keeps moving. If I wait at the Corvettes I am also out of position not giving myself enough time to mitigate the alpha strike. I simply can not find the enemies initially and by the time I do they've already made a successful alpha on the corvettes. I am also finding the radar a bit useless. I suspect that I need to run the mission with a different class ship than the X-wing I am using as I need different auxiliary weapons. I am afraid though I will lose too much time returning to the hangar to change ships.

2 hours ago, Azrapse said:

Gone is the asymmetric arsenal of the Rebellion vs the Empire. Now the TIE Fighter is essentially equivalent to an X-wing, if you add together the shield and hull hitpoints. Same with the other ships, where any ship on one side has a mirror on the other side, essentially.

Did the old games have online multiplayer? I think with single player only there can by more asymmetry in the design of the ships. The single-player is really meant to be an extended tutorial for the multi-player so the ships can not be too different than what you will fly in multi-player.

2 hours ago, Azrapse said:

During the single player campaign, do you notice something weird with the NPC dialogue?
When you interact with an NPC in between missions, they just like chain multiple unrelated lines of dialog, as if between these lines the player was expected to click on different dialog options, and this feature had been removed from the game in the very last moment, and the developers resorted to just chain all responses one after another and play them together.

Yes. It seems like they curtailed any sorts of interactions of your character with the NPC characters. I suspect they simply decided there wasn't much point since this is not an RPG game. Except for the mission briefings you can bypass the conversations.

36 minutes ago, Frimmel said:

Did the old games have online multiplayer? I think with single player only there can by more asymmetry in the design of the ships.

Yes. X-Wing vs TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance had multiplayer. It was very asymmetrical - and it was great.

Also, XvT had versus multiplayer missions that were completely asymmetrical in objectives for each team.
Fleet Battles in this game is basically a mirror match again.

And honestly, after a couple of games, Squadrons reminds me more of DOTA or League of Legends than of X-wing.

  • 5 heroes and lots of minions versus 5 heroes and lots of minions.
  • Each player has a handful (3) of abilities with cooldowns that they can activate now and then.
  • Kill minions to push towards the next stage in the map. Destroy the intermediate objectives before pushing for the final stage that is to destroy the big thing.
  • Rinse and repeat.

Squadrons takes the cockpit view, Engine-Laser-Shield power management, and the throttle sweet spot for higher turning from the X-wing games, and barely anything else.
And to be honest, the ELS and sweet spot turning are more similar to those in Elite: Dangerous than those in the X-wing series. Even the Boost-and-slide maneuver is basically taken from E:D, when you boosted and turned off the flight assist to slide, in an identical way as how you do it here.