First attempt at painting

By DeathOfScytes, in Painting

Technically not my first, but the less said about my 12-year-old self's attempt at painting BattleTech miniatures the better.



I used a flat white primer and FFG's paint set, durasteel for the guns and some of the backpack details. I had a decent lit magnifier for soldering and that proved useful and used the wash on the non-white parts.

Remember, you don't have to be as good as Sorastro, you just have to be better than me.


Finished my first full squad. I started with the ones that lost arms due to overzealous de-treeing.

Things I've learned: Cheap acrylic is cheap for a reason, 4 is the ideal number to work on in a single session, thin the paints, it's easy to overdo it on the wash and it gets easier.

Goals for next time: Better at fine detail, try out the whole basing things. Work less on making it easier, more on making it better

Since I seriously overdid it on the wash, I'm calling this squad the Greasy Bastards.