By ovinomanc3r, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Hey guys, just rereading the LTT faq I’m trying to make sense of it cause it looks a bit confusing to me.

may I sweep with my AA and chose to use LTT bonus against the last one? Or does it just mean I can use it against the first squadron I attack during the second ship attack (Dras’s salvo)

To me the only thing that makes more sense is that it works on any of both ship attacks, but only once, must be used on the first squadron for that attack and “block” any other targets for that attack so I still may sweep with the other ship attack. Am I right?

26 minutes ago, ovinomanc3r said:

Hey guys, just rereading the LTT faq I’m trying to make sense of it cause it looks a bit confusing to me.

may I sweep with my AA and chose to use LTT bonus against the last one? Or does it just mean I can use it against the first squadron I attack during the second ship attack (Dras’s salvo)

To me the only thing that makes more sense is that it works on any of both ship attacks, but only once, must be used on the first squadron for that attack and “block” any other targets for that attack so I still may sweep with the other ship attack. Am I right?

Yes, it's pretty confusing. What we must take into consideration while interpreting that FAQ is that it is precisely a FAQ, not an errata, so the "While attackig the first squadron during your activation" still applies. What the FAQ tries to clarify (very poorly in my opinion) is that you can use LTT on your second attack, or even in an attack made outside of one of the two regular attacks of the activation (such as with using Ordnance pods as it is mentioned), given that you didn't attack any other squadron previously.

Edited by Lemmiwinks86
35 minutes ago, Lemmiwinks86 said:

Yes, it's pretty confusing. What we must take into consideration while interpreting that FAQ is that it is precisely a FAQ, not an errata, so the "While attackig the first squadron during your activation" still applies. What the FAQ tries to clarify (very poorly in my opinion) is that you can use LTT on your second attack, or even in an attack made outside of one of the two regular attacks of the activation (such as with using Ordnance pods as it is mentioned), given that you didn't attack any other squadron previously.

So let's say i have squadrons bombing me on both sides and a ship on my front. I choose to flak from my righ hull and I do poorly enough to want to keep flaking squadrons down. I now flak from my left and couldn't use LTT on that attack?

7 minutes ago, ovinomanc3r said:

So let's say i have squadrons bombing me on both sides and a ship on my front. I choose to flak from my righ hull and I do poorly enough to want to keep flaking squadrons down. I now flak from my left and couldn't use LTT on that attack?

No, there's nothing changing the fact that you can only use the LTT effect of adding the 2 dice while attacking the first squadron during that activation. So if you already attacked some squadrons, you cannot use that LTT effect even if it is another attack. What you said is the first thing I think too when reading that FAQ, that's why it's so confusing and I think it could have been worded much better.

What the FAQ should say is just that you can use that effect even if the anti-squadron attack is an additional attack granted by another effect. I think that is what it means, because if we take the "can resolve this effect during any of its anti-squadron attacks" too literally as to think that you can make some anti-squadron attacks and at some point in the middle you can add those 2 dice, then it's not a FAQ, it would be an errata as it would be contradicting what the card says.


@Lemmiwinks86 has it mostly right.

LTT is a very confusing one, and one that took me awhile to drill down to try and keep it as clean as possible when explaining it. (As mentioned, the FAQ is very confusing)

Card Text:

"You may reroll 1 red die in your attack pool."

"While attacking the first squadron during your activation, you may add 2 dice of any color to your attack pool. If you do, you cannot declare additional squadron targets for this attack."


The ship with this card equipped can resolve this effect during any of its anti-squadron attacks but can only resolve it once during its activation. If the ship resolves this effect during an additional attack granted by another effect, such as the Ordnance Pods upgrade card, it cannot declare additional squadron targets during that attack.

So, when a ship equipped with Linked Turbolaser Towers chooses to use an attack to conduct an “anti squadron attack” to attack squadrons. The first squadron it attacks in that attack,

you may resolve Linked Turbolaser Towers ability to add 2 dice of any color to the attack pool. If this is done, no other squadrons may be attacked with that attack. That we all know.

Per FAQ, this effect was clarified that it means the add dice effect is meant to be during “any” anti squadron attack but only once per “your” “activation”. This means you can choose to flak squadrons out of one arc on your first attack, choose not to resolve LTT, and on the second attack (or another anti squadron attack granted to that ship, like Ordnance Pods") against squadrons, you could choose to resolve the add dice effect on the "first" squadron in that attack.


The add dice effect can ONLY be used once per activation, regardless of which attack (1st, 2nd, or another) and only on the first squadron targeted by that attack.

Edited by Karneck
36 minutes ago, Karneck said:

This means you can choose to flak squadrons out of one arc on your first attack, choose not to resolve LTT, and on the second attack (or another anti squadron attack granted to that ship, like Ordnance Pods") against squadrons, you could choose to resolve the add dice effect on the "first" squadron in that attack.

I agree that what you say is what the FAQ apparently says, but I think that that is contradicting this part of the card:

"While attacking the first squadron during your activation ..."

It doesn't say the first squadron during that attack, it says the first squadron during your activation. In my opinion that leaves no room for doubt, as what the card says, it's pretty clear that if you want to use that effect of adding the 2 dice, you shouldn't have attacked another squadron during that activation.

Edited by Lemmiwinks86
48 minutes ago, Karneck said:


@Lemmiwinks86 has it mostly right.

LTT is a very confusing one, and one that took me awhile to drill down to try and keep it as clean as possible when explaining it. (As mentioned, the FAQ is very confusing)

Card Text:

"You may reroll 1 red die in your attack pool."

"While attacking the first squadron during your activation, you may add 2 dice of any color to your attack pool. If you do, you cannot declare additional squadron targets for this attack."


The ship with this card equipped can resolve this effect during any of its anti-squadron attacks but can only resolve it once during its activation. If the ship resolves this effect during an additional attack granted by another effect, such as the Ordnance Pods upgrade card, it cannot declare additional squadron targets during that attack.

So, when a ship equipped with Linked Turbolaser Towers chooses to use an attack to conduct an “anti squadron attack” to attack squadrons. The first squadron it attacks in that attack,

you may resolve Linked Turbolaser Towers ability to add 2 dice of any color to the attack pool. If this is done, no other squadrons may be attacked with that attack. That we all know.

Per FAQ, this effect was clarified that it means the add dice effect is meant to be during “any” anti squadron attack but only once per “your” “activation”. This means you can choose to flak squadrons out of one arc on your first attack, choose not to resolve LTT, and on the second attack (or another anti squadron attack granted to that ship, like Ordnance Pods") against squadrons, you could choose to resolve the add dice effect on the "first" squadron in that attack.


The add dice effect can ONLY be used once per activation, regardless of which attack (1st, 2nd, or another) and only on the first squadron targeted by that attack.

That's what I thought at first, after awhile deciphering the FAQ but then Lemmiwink pointed this out:

12 minutes ago, Lemmiwinks86 said:

I agree that what you say is what the FAQ apparently says, but I think that that is contradicting this part of the card:

"While attacking the first squadron during your activation ..."

It doesn't say the first squadron during that attack, it says the first squadron during your activation. In my opinion that leaves no room for doubt, as what the card says, it's pretty clear that if you want to use that effect of adding the 2 dice, you shouldn't have attacked another squadron during that activation.

So while I think the first interpretation is probably the RAI (otherwise the card is playing with an stupid and awful order of operations which makes little sense to introduce in the game), definitely the second is supported by RAW.

Which is then further clarified BY the FAQ as to what that means... "The ship with this card equipped can resolve this effect during any of its anti-squadron attacks but can only resolve it once during its activation."

It was never in doubt before as to what "first squadron during your activation" meant. So why release an update to the FAQ at all?

It was not meant to be a hard limiter but rather allow a player to choose when to resolve the effect during an anti squadron attack, hence why the FAQ was updated to CLARIFY the card as to how it was meant to work.

So let me pose you this question, why would they use the word "any" instead of any other form of wording there?

Because "any" anti squadron would signify that you can conduct multiple attacks before choosing which one of those attacks you would like to resolve the added dice effect for. And as it says, " but can only resolve it once during its activation"

27 minutes ago, ovinomanc3r said:

So while I think the first interpretation is probably the RAI (otherwise the card is playing with an stupid and awful order of operations which makes little sense to introduce in the game), definitely the second is supported by RAW.

The whole point of the FAQ update was to clear up the RAI with the card.

I will absolutely concede that the wording they choose was still VERY poorly worded and it needs to be re-done. Because this is single handedly the most confusing wording and all I've gotten is a ton of headache resulting from it from players that are very much stuck on the "first squadron during your activation" bit.

They clarified the card to mean it is not literally the first Squadron you ever attack you have to decide the effect of rather the first Squadron you attack when you conduct an anti Squadron attack

Edited by Karneck

To paraphrase someone else I was talking too about it.

"The wording is wonky, but the faq clarifies the card. IMO it should read "during your activation, while attacking the first squadron" to take some of the emphasis off "first squadron during your activation"

It's a gate: is it during your activation? Yes. Are you making an attack against a squadron? Yes.

Is it the first squadron you're making an attack against (step 1 in the attack phase)? Yes.

Best way to think of it is that it triggers

1) during your activation,

2) in step 1 (of the attack phase in the RRG) when making an attack against a squadron,

and 3) as long as you haven't already used it. In return, you do not get a step 6 (declare additional squadron target and repeat steps 2-6).

That means your second attack from a separate hull zone can fulfill those requirements. Or your attack from Ordnance pods."

13 minutes ago, Karneck said:

So let me pose you this question, why would they use the word "any" instead of any other form of wording there?

What I was interpreting from that "any" was that you have the possibility of using that effect even on an anti-squadron attack made outside of your 2 normal attacks (like with Ordnance Pods). So you can use it during an anti-squadron attack made on one of your 2 normal attacks or with an extra anti-squadron attack granted by an effect, thus "any anti-squadron attack". Surely even if it means what I'm saying or what you're saying, it could have been worded much more better.

Your line of thinking of why it could work even if you attacked another squadron with a previous attack is really good and maybe it's how it was intended, but at least as I understand it (english is not my first language), to work on any attack the card should say something like "while attacking the first squadron during that attack" or something like that.

8 minutes ago, Lemmiwinks86 said:

What I was interpreting from that "any" was that you have the possibility of using that effect even on an anti-squadron attack made outside of your 2 normal attacks (like with Ordnance Pods). So you can use it during an anti-squadron attack made on one of your 2 normal attacks or with an extra anti-squadron attack granted by an effect, thus "any anti-squadron attack". Surely even if it means what I'm saying or what you're saying, it could have been worded much more better.

Your line of thinking of why it could work even if you attacked another squadron with a previous attack is really good and maybe it's how it was intended, but at least as I understand it (english is not my first language), to work on any attack the card should say something like "while attacking the first squadron during that attack" or something like that.

You're correct in that the English of this is very difficult to grasp which is why it's so hard to convey because the wording that FFG uses is not the best.

To re state, when they first released the card before the FAQ no one had any doubt what first squadron and your activation meant. regardless of which attack it was.

that's how it was interpreted and played for many months.

however with the FAQ update, what the developers were trying to clarify was that they did not mean the literal 1st Squadron you ever attacked but rather the first squadron you attack in an anti Squadron attack. the issue is that the wording used in the FAQ to clarify that was still not as clear as it could of been.

I do plan to try to bring it to the attentions of the developers but who knows when the next FAQ update will even be.

Part of it is that the card needs an errata to fix it but the developers do NOT like to Errata cards especially cards not even a year old. Hence why they're trying to fix it with just a clarification instead of errata

Edited by Karneck
3 minutes ago, Lemmiwinks86 said:

What I was interpreting from that "any" was that you have the possibility of using that effect even on an anti-squadron attack made outside of your 2 normal attacks (like with Ordnance Pods). So you can use it during an anti-squadron attack made on one of your 2 normal attacks or with an extra anti-squadron attack granted by an effect, thus "any anti-squadron attack". Surely even if it means what I'm saying or what you're saying, it could have been worded much more better.

Your line of thinking of why it could work even if you attacked another squadron with a previous attack is really good and maybe it's how it was intended, but at least as I understand it (english is not my first language), to work on any attack the card should say something like "while attacking the first squadron during that attack" or something like that.

The FAQ is still just a clarification of the card.

If you read the card as "during your activation, while attacking the first squadron" instead of "while attacking the first squadron during your activation" it might be easier to see the intent (and the clarification). Rather than "the first squadron during your activation" it's two separate gates: "during your activation" and "while attacking the first squadron" -- and in this case, "while attacking the first squadron" means "when you choose to attack squadrons and attack the first squadron in that arc." You go through that process every time you flak, so you if you have a squadron double-arc'd with Ord Pods available, "the first attack" happens three times, and LTT is available on any one of those three.