The Road: The Black Gate Opens

By RedSpiderr, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

“We cannot achieve victory by arms, but by arms we can give the Ring-bearer his only chance, frail though it be.”

- Gandalf, The Return of the King

Victory on the Pelennor has bought a reprieve, but Sauron already gathers for a second strike. In this penultimate chapter of the Saga, the Men of the West gather their strength and march on the Black Gate. They know they march to their doom, yet they are willing to spend their blood to give the Ringbearer time to achieve his purpose. How long can they hold out? Will they even give Sauron pause? Whose lives will be lost in this last desperate throw of the dice?

Here is my playthrough report in my Narrative Saga, derailing The Black Gate Opens.

Here is the narrative for the penultimate chapter in my Saga Campaign. Only one remains. Have the heroes done enough to buy time for Frodo? Or is this one last act of defiance against the unconquerable tide? Hope you guys enjoy!