How would you guys rank the modular sets in terms of difficulty now that we've had them for quite some time? Please, please do not link to the statistics page, there is way too much noise there to draw conclusions, it's very fun but not sound.
Here's my tier list:
Tier 4:
Doomsday Chair --- MODOK is virtually unkillable and he shows up non-stop. Plus all surge cards are better than nearly all non-surge cards essentially.
Tier 3:
Legions of Hydra ---- Madame Hydra is a tough enemy, but the Legions are essentially a delayed surge enemy, that hits reasonably hard, and has guard.
Power Drain ----- At first, this doesn't appear to hard. After all, Elektro is a pretty weak enemy. But there are a lot of boost icons here, Electromagnetic Pulse is a ridiculously powerful cards (discard 7 encounters then either surge or put Elektro in play), and in general this is the best set for accelerating the main scheme.
Tier 2:
Under Attack ---- The base game set here has some pretty nasty upgrades that can hurt you bad. Mostly just drains resources and actions.
Running Interference ---- This one is sort of hit or miss. Sometimes it can be completely devastating, other times it's not all so bad. But Tombstone is strong, and All Tied Up is rather annoying.
Masters of Evil ----- There's been so many minion smashing cards released of late that this set isn't as bad as it was in the core days, but you are still getting a set of reasonably tough enemies that soak a lot of damage at the very least.
A Mess of Things ----- Definitely on the lower end of this tier, there's nothing in this set that will really hurt you. It focuses mostly on stuns, which aren't too devastating. An extra copy of Gang Up and a fair number of boost icons bring it to Tier 2 though.
Tier 1:
Bomb Scare ---- Similar to Mess of Things (with a focus on confusion instead of stun), but far less boost icons and no threatening enemies.
Goblin Gimmicks ---- Super easy. The lack of difficulty combined with the coloring misprint leads us to never using this basically.