I'm trying to write a script for a video about our first campaign. And because I love RP and the lore about the journey, I'd like to be consistent about the story. Some missions have the location on their cards but for example the story missions don't.
I didn't find any source that would tell me the specifics of these missions, so we have to speculate.
I'd like to ask for your help to find out the planets the core missions take place.
This is our journey so far: (Bold planets are proved facts)
Aftermath ( Yavin 4 )
Temptation ( Yavin 4 )
A New Threat (?)
A Simple Task ( Dantooine )
Fly Solo ( Jilrua )
Means of Production ( Corellia )
Sorry about the Mess ( Corellia )
Impounded ( Corellia )
Incoming (?)
Captured (?)
Viper’s Den ( Tatooine )
The Source (?) (our next mission)
FINALE (Last Stand / Desperate Hour) ( Ord Mantell based on Last Stand's mission card)
3)+10) It doesn't really make sense that A New Threat and Incoming would be still on Yavin 4, weeks after rebel presence was made known to the Empire.
- This was speculated/chosen by me. As it was described in the mission's flair texts, It's a small desert planet in Hutt Space, out of the way of any main hyperlanes (and it's even Canon)
Map from: http://www.swgalaxymap.com/
Thanks in advance!
Edited by CorvisLPnew information