I got in a 400-point game today against my regular opponent in town. We're trying to get back on a regular schedule for our weekly game. Here are the lists:
Name: Sloane's Victory-Is
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Admiral Sloane
Assault: Station Assault
Defense: Contested Outpost
Navigation: Solar Corona
Victory I (73)
• Admiral Sloane (24)
• Local Fire Control (4)
• Boosted Comms (4)
• Enhanced Armament (10)
• External Racks (3)
= 118 Points
Victory I (73)
• Local Fire Control (4)
• Boosted Comms (4)
• Enhanced Armament (10)
• External Racks (3)
= 94 Points
Victory I (73)
• Local Fire Control (4)
• Boosted Comms (4)
• Enhanced Armament (10)
• External Racks (3)
= 94 Points
• Howlrunner (16)
• Black Squadron (9)
• 7 x TIE Fighter Squadron (56)
= 81 Points
Total Points: 387
While his list certainly had some problems (which I will discuss in the thoughts portion), his goal was to be able to discard defense tokens with Sloane while creating a very large field of fire with his three red dice from all sides at long range (two in the rear).
Name: Kyrsta's MC30s
Faction: Rebel
Commander: Kyrsta Agate
Assault: Station Assault
Defense: Hyperspace Assault
Navigation: Dangerous Territory
MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63)
• Kyrsta Agate (20)
• Walex Blissex (5)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Assault Concussion Missiles (7)
• H9 Turbolasers (8)
= 107 Points
MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63)
• Major Derlin (7)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Assault Concussion Missiles (7)
• H9 Turbolasers (8)
• Foresight (8)
= 97 Points
MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63)
• Lando Calrissian (4)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Assault Concussion Missiles (7)
• H9 Turbolasers (8)
• Admonition (8)
= 94 Points
CR90 Corvette A (44)
• Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)
• Jaina's Light (2)
= 53 Points
GR-75 Medium Transports (18)
• Slicer Tools (7)
• Quantum Storm (1)
= 26 Points
GR-75 Medium Transports (18)
• Comms Net (2)
• Bright Hope (2)
= 22 Points
= 0 Points
Total Points: 399
Since the very first time I saw the text on Kyrsta Agate's Commander card, I thought "So I can have two Admonitions (kind of) and a Foresight... yeah, I'll take that." Adding a Brace to the unnamed MC30, all three of them now had pretty solid survivability. The TRC90 was added for damage and an activation, with the GR-75s being for extra activations (and Slicer Tools for carriers or ships that want Navigate commands).
He had initiative and chose to be first player. He chose Station Assault as the objective.
Deployment: After we placed the obstacles, I placed the Unarmed Stations in opposite corners next to my player edge with the goal of forcing him to divide his fleet. It worked. After I placed Bright Hope next to the rightmost station, he placed a Victory to counter. While he waited me out with his deployment advantage of TIE Fighters, I placed Quantum Storm and Jaina's Light in the center so they could decide where to veer after deployment. My MC30s then went to the left side behind the other station, while he placed his other Victory and his flagship across from them. He switched out his second Redirect tokens for a Salvo using Local Fire Control, while I added a Brace to my unnamed MC30 with Kyrsta Agate.
Round 1: While he got his Speed-2 Victorys and TIEs into position, I used my massive activation advantage to use Quantum Storm (and Slicer Tools) against his flagship, changing his squadron command to a Repair command. I then got my MC30s all within long range, of his Victory and flagship, knowing that they would have to get in close before I had to activate any of the MC30s.
Round 2: He started the round by sending some of his TIEs against Bright Hope , which led to a shield damage, but nothing else ( Bright Hope retaliated by destroying a TIE in double arc and with a Concentrate Fire command). I activated Quantum Storm , trying to slice his unnamed Victory, but I came up a few centimeters short after ramming his flagship. After activating his flagship, his ship and TIEs couldn't destroy Quantum Storm , so he moved forward at Speed 2 (now out of range of Jaina's Light , who never got to fire at ships all game). While his flagship and unnamed Victory did minimal damage against Foresight's shields at long range, it placed both these ships in a dangerous MC30 crossfire. His unnamed Victory was destroyed while his flagship's shields were almost gone after the first attack. Foresight rammed his flagship, ensuring that it couldn't move. The round ended with his flagship being in close range of three MC30s, each of which had it in double arc.
Round 3: His flagship activated and destroyed Quantum Storm with some TIEs, but then was immediately destroyed by Admonition (my opponent did shoot at Foresight and Admonition , but couldn't even breach their hull). He tried to destroy Bright Hope with his last Victory and some TIEs, but to no avail as it ran away (after destroying another TIE). MC30 flak claimed another TIE fighter. At this point, my opponent could read the tea leaves that this was over and conceded. I assumed that he would have destroyed the station and gave him the points for it, while I rolled out the massive amount of flak against four of his TIEs in the main battle zone, destroying all of them. The final score was 317-66 (9-2, 251 MoV).
Thoughts: While I was very happy with my list (not just in how it performed, but I really enjoyed not having a "weak" MC30 of my three), this game made the flaws in my opponent's list very apparent. First, he had the problem that one of his ships was likely always going to be out of the "main fight". When he told me he was running triple Victorys, I expected Harrow to be a part of his fleet. Second, he had no dice modifications for his red and black dice. While he did get a lot of Salvos off (when I wasn't using H9s against them), it didn't mean a lot when they came up blank (and, unfortunately for him, even red double hit got either evaded or Admo 'd). Ditto that for his External Racks. Third, the activation advantage hurt him from the start. He initially had the bid to go second, but the thought of MC30s going last/first all day did not seem like fun, rightly so. Lastly, he split his forces. He should have focused on one of the stations and halved the objective, which would have very likely kept all my ships in his planned extended fire zone of red dice.
Hope you enjoyed the BATREP!
Edited by Admiral CalkinsRemoved the "Triple Cymoon" reference