Unnofficial Fiction Anthology

By Pompz1, in L5R LCG: Lore Discussion

Hey everyone.

Please find a PDF of all the FFG L5R fiction here.

I've posted this on reddit, so I figured I'd share it here as well. This is a collection of all of the publicly available fictions all compiled into a single PDF, with formatting, editing, etc. I've arranged the fiction s largely following @KakitaKaori timeline (found here ), and used the PDF versions of the clan pack fictions created by @Maffster which can be found here .

This is updated to include where the novellas should be read in the table of contents, as well as all published stories up to The Sea and the Sun's Shadow .

Please let me know what you guys think, and give me any feedback or suggestions for things I could change or improve. Hopefully some of you find something like this useful.

Please just keep updating this! This is beautiful!!!

Good Morning.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have updated this fiction collection with everything up to and including Beneath the Light of Jade . Otherwise I've done some minor formatting, and some of the stories have been moved around in regards to their chronological placement.

Please let me know if you guys have any feedback.

Cool. This should make searching for text very easy.


I have updated this document up to The Last Leaf Falls.

I'm wondering about the timeline placement of two things in this version. First, I've put The Stained Cup quite early, between Art of Matchmaking and Violence Behind Courtliness. Second, I haven't read the Crab clan novella yet, so I'm not sure where it should go in, and haven't included it's place in the ToC.

Please let me know what you guys think, both about these questions and in general.


33 minutes ago, Pompz1 said:


I have updated this document up to The Last Leaf Falls.

I'm wondering about the timeline placement of two things in this version. First, I've put The Stained Cup quite early, between Art of Matchmaking and Violence Behind Courtliness. Second, I haven't read the Crab clan novella yet, so I'm not sure where it should go in, and haven't included it's place in the ToC.

Please let me know what you guys think, both about these questions and in general.


DG Laderoute gave us the time for it on the discord. I think Kaito Kikaze's timeline has it on correctly.

Edited by Tonbo Karasu
3 hours ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

DG Laderoute gave us the time for it on the discord. I think Kaito Kikaze's timeline has it on correctly.

I'm flattered, but I think you mean Kakita Kaori's timeline...I know, all the K's, it gets confusing. 😆

Yes, the Crab novella takes place in the summer of 1123, sometime after the events of "Beneath, Below, Beyond". That's about as specific as we made it, I think, since it kinda sits apart from the main story-line, all on its own. So, probably sometime in July or August.

I'm still working on rereading the novella to get all the dates. There is a gap between the first scene (where Ros'ku finds the armor) and the expedition, and then the expedition itself takes a period of time. I'm putting, tentatively, the expedition beginning at around July Week 2 but I want to doublecheck some references to make sure that is good.

I'm not going to place every novella event in the timeline of course. I'll try and figure out an end date, though, so we know when novella-tied characters are 'back on the board'. Shono's expedition, for example, could be really really long. Sukune's is shorter than that. Yojiro's lasts about a week.

I think you could probably safely assume that Sukune, O-Ushi and Yori were "back in play" by the end of August or early September, but I guess there actually is a "no later than" date based on the subsequent stories about Yori i.e. when hooks up with Tadaka.

4 hours ago, DGLaderoute said:

subsequent stories about Yori i.e. when hooks up with Tadaka.

I ship it 😉

7 minutes ago, Kinzen said:

I ship it 😉

Ew, no. Yori's tainted. Tadaka should find himself a nice wholesome boy, like Tetsu...they can console each other over Tsukune becoming Champion. 😁

Well, that escalated quickly!

Hello again.

I have updated this pdf again to include all currently published stories. I know it's been a while between updates this time, but this was a combination of restarting my university courses in September, and the slow down in fiction releases.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their feedback and discussion on where the stories I mentioned last time should be placed, as well as the position of Trail of Shadows . I placed Questionable Shelter last so far, with The Last Leaf Falls and When the Wave Strikes the Shore immediately beforehand, happening essentially concurrently with Daidoji , since we still haven't seen any direct fallout from the events at Kyuden Kakita.

Let me know what you guys think so far.

21 hours ago, Pompz1 said:

Hello again.

I have updated this pdf again to include all currently published stories. I know it's been a while between updates this time, but this was a combination of restarting my university courses in September, and the slow down in fiction releases.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their feedback and discussion on where the stories I mentioned last time should be placed, as well as the position of Trail of Shadows . I placed Questionable Shelter last so far, with The Last Leaf Falls and When the Wave Strikes the Shore immediately beforehand, happening essentially concurrently with Daidoji , since we still haven't seen any direct fallout from the events at Kyuden Kakita.

Let me know what you guys think so far.

That's basically what have for my timeline. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wEhIccleYFIsL_C0zKAV3gk4U7XIcjNXokEsuMBbBZM/edit#gid=0

Hey everyone.

I asked this on Discord as well, but I want to place What Cost a Dream in the pdf. According to @DGLaderoute in both the forums and the discord, the story was written so that it would have a timeless quality, so it doesn't need to fit into the chronology of the other fictions.

So, what I'm asking is where a good place to put a breather fiction in would be among the recent fictions? Right now I'm thinking immediately before the flurry of activity with Daidoji, The Last Leaf Falls, and When the Wave Strikes the Shore , but does anybody have any other places where a good breather might fit really well?


I would put it before the first story.

or as a separate category

Edited by Diogo Salazar


I have updated the PDF to contain all of the new fictions, including What Cost a Dream, An Impossible Task (which was interesting to add in), The Yogo Curse parts 1 and 2, and The Careful Gardener .

Because of my previous question, I decided to put What Cost a Dream right before Daidoji , since that seemed like the best place for a breather, since the fictions around that point start gathering some very tense potential energy.

The link to the fictions should stay the same, but the actual PDF is different, for anyone who downloaded this instead of reading online, and I have included some odeas of other features that I'm thinking about adding into the document, so please feel free to provide feedback on that as well.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and humouring me. I hope everyone is having a safe holiday season.

So... now that the forum is shutting down - anyone know where these will be hosted moving forward? It's super helpful and I'd love to see it continue.

I have it uploaded to my personal drive, as it was too big for the forum anyway. It's also available on the r/rokugan subreddit, the r/l5r sub, and in a sticky on the discord story and lore channel.

I've added a link to this for Winter Garden of the Kakita!