Does Sumiko teleport?

By Nagasadow81, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

How does Sumiko beat the players to the palace of the emerald Champion?

She meets with the players and offers them the magistrate position, telling them to go to the palace. The PCs are given a time constraint, and when they get there, Sumiko is waiting for them... Am I missing a bit of information? help please!

I think it is easily explained by the Ruby Champion leaving almost immediately after interviewing the PCs. The PCs, however, have several other things to do before they depart. That is at least one day of delay and possibly more depending on how preparations for their travel take. At a minimum, having the gifts to present the Ruby Champion arrive in Tsuma could take a day or two.

She also likely has access to better transportation than the players do at that point, so she'll also travel faster, and won't stop for any similar encounters to what the players might have.

Especially if they stop to escort Ryu.

12 hours ago, Myrion said:

She also likely has access to better transportation than the players do at that point, so she'll also travel faster, and won't stop for any similar encounters to what the players might have.

Indeed. Whether by horse or palanquin, she is likely to be MUCH faster than the PCs traveling by foot. And in either case, she is likely to have a retinue for which the random encounters given for the trip will not likely want to engage.

She might also have papers of free passage, and the pc's might have to procure some paperwork first.
Cant recall how long the trip is but if it's any more than 2 days it will also take some planning, after all i bet most of the pc weren't planning on taking that trip before they started their journey.

plus you might technically have to report back to you lord for permission even though it will be granted due to Sumikos status no doubt.

It does mention that the roads are being repaired and so no one is allowed to use them, forcing the players to go off road and take an 8 day trek to the palace. I was trying to anticipate my players' choice and find a suitable excuse as to why they wouldn't just go with her. Thanks Neilcell for auggesting it will take time to prepare appropriate gifts and i think this will work well. thanks!