I am looking into running a Discord game in the near future. My group of friends have all married off and moved to the four corners and we haven't played in years. I figured that we might try running a Discord game. I'm curious to hear from those who have successfully run a game this way. How did you handle dice rolling? How did the game go? Any problems I should be on the look out for?
How to Run a Discord Game
Here's a topic regarding a dice bot:
Discord is good. I use it for PBP all the time.
With recent events, I ran my IRL game over Discord using a voice channel and handled the dice rolling with Sky Jedi's dice bot.
The voice is a bit tricky when 2 or more people start talking at once, but that could be an issue with our internet (or it could just be an overall issue). I know that those using headphone/mic combos had clearer audio.
We use Oggdude's and upload a pdf of the characters to a dedicated channel for it.
There is also RPG Sessions, which has dice and also adds a character sheet.
I haven't used it yet, so I cannot comment, but there's a post in the general EotE forums.
I would post the occasional pic to give the players some visuals, and would clarify things with typed info in the same channel we rolled dice.
I hope that helps!
I forgot to add: It went pretty smoothly, except for the aforementioned voice issue (again, might just have been us).
Pics sometimes took some time to load, but otherwise good.
The nice thing about the setup is that you can DM a player if only they know something (Knowledge checks, etc.).
We use a roll bot in the discord server, which isn't really intuitive unless you code or use cli tools. /Swoll 1p2a2d1c2s1b takes a bit to type out (or whatever combo used in the pool). It functions though. Most notably however, since running with discord we rarely use any Roll20 features at all. Like the journal entries and that's it
We use RPGSessions in combination with discord. No complaints, very smooth.