Requesting Painting Ideas for Separatists

By Alino, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Hello! New to X-Wing 2.0, going to be playing Separatists. Not new to painting, come from 40k where i painted.... way too much. Anyways, I am thinking on just using the base schemes and just making them look nicer, but I'd also like to see what some people have to show!

Have you checked out the showcases already? There's quite a few ideas on display there! (I'm particularly a fan of @kleeg005's steel clan)


That second link was supposed to be the hyena page:

I think that a set of dazzel camo vultures would be cool. As a separatist player myself I've always wanted to mod my vultures to be in their walking mode so that you could have a table top representation of the grappling struts, thought that is more modding and less painting. (If I recall there are threads dedicated to both.)