Hello! This is my first 200 point list I'm sharing here (New to X-wing.), and I just want to start off by saying I'm fairly flexible, but I am keeping Dooku in the list! I am a massive fan of the sith infiltrator (my favorite starship, and what made me decide to play Separatists.... well, that, then there's also the HMP Droid Gunship and the Tri-Fighter! Even though the Tri-Fighter probably won't be announced for like a year or more, sadly.)
Count Dooku w/
Tractor Beam & Scimitar
70 Points
General Grievous w/
Impervium Plating & Soulless One
54 Points
Trade Federation Drone
19 Points
Trade Federation Drone
19 Points
Trade Federation Drone
19 Points
Trade Federation Drone
19 Points
200 Points Total
Probably a bit light on upgrades, I was mainly unsure on if i should do this OR replace 1 TF Drone to get struts on the 3 others, plus DRK-1 Probes on Dooku, and then some other upgrades