So after taking almost a month, I have created several more characters for use with the recently released GENCON 2019 adventure. Please consider using them in your adventures either as player characters or as NPCs for your players to interreact with. If they come across as somewhat wonky, please adapt and adjust them as needed. I can always share my rationale for how I created them.
Utaku Khulan
Ujik of the Plaines of Wind and Stone
Utaku Family
Ujik Diviner School
Earth: 2
Fire: 2
Air: 1
Water: 3
Void: 2
Glory: 30
Honor: 40
Status: 30
Command: 1
Games: 2
Performance: 1
Theology: 3
Meditation: 1
Tactics: 1
Survival: 3
Commune with Spirits
Fukurokujin's Wit
Embrace of Kenro-Ji-Jin
Wall of Earth
Dance of Seasons
Heart of the Water Dragon
Dominion of Suijin
Innari's Blessing
Reflections of P-an Ku
Ancestry Unearthed
Distinction-Affect of Harmlessness
Adversity-Stained Lineage
Anxiety-Unsavory Past
Khulan was born to the Utaku family, but his heart was always Ujik. Not very surprising when one considers that his battle maiden mother would often bed with Ujik friendly men while out on patrol. His learning of the traditions of his Ujik heritage is what brought him to learn the ways of the Lords of Death rather than study the ways of the Iuchi Meshido tradition. That reverence is what stayed the hands of the Utaku Daimyo when Khulan brazenly rode his mother's battle maiden steed one fateful night. The exact circumstances are not discussed outside of the Utaku, but what is known is that he is no longer permitted food, water, or shelter within any Unicorn holding though that does not prevent him from traveling through Unicorn lands, nor prohibits him from acquiring them on his own while in Unicorn Lands.
Tsuruchi Tanaka
Sea/Lake Region
Ronin Family
Student of the Talon
Earth: 2
Fire: 2
Air: 3
Water: 3
Void: 2
Glory: 35
Honor: 40
Courtesy: 2
Sentiment: 1
Fitness: 1
Martial Arts (Melee): 1
Martial Arts (Ranged): 3
Meditation: 1
Seafaring: 1
Skullduggery: 1
Survivalist: 2
Hawk's Precision
Soaring Slice
Chaotic Scattering
Flowering Deceptions
Distinction-Famously Neutral
Passion-Honest Work
Tanaka is a member of the Wasp Minor Clan. While not technically Ronin, their Wasp code causes many Clan Samurai and Imperials to view them as no better than Ronin.
Tanka carries his uncle's name as a way to both honor him and spread the good name of his clan as he completes various bounties. This is his Ninjo.
His loyalty to his clan and family at his own personal expense has made him as unyielding as any Crab on the Kaiu Wall.
Makoto Sato
Forrest Region
Street Urchin Upbringing
School of Leaves
Earth: 2
Fire: 3
Air: 3
Water: 1
Void: 2
Glory: 30
Honor: 26
Performance: 2
Sentiment: 2
Fitness: 1
Martial Arts (Melee): 2
Martial Arts (Range): 2
Skullduggery: 3
Survival: 3
Prey on the Weak
Rustling of Leaves
Whispers of the Court
Deadly Sting
Distinction-Well Connected in Toshi sano Kanemochi (City of the Rich Frog)
Passion-Pot Stirrer
Anxiety-Web of Lies
Makoto grew up on the streets of Toshi sano Kanemochi, the City of the Rich Frog. Surviving the hardscrabble life, she would often play off the rivalries between the Lion, Dragon, and Unicorn should one of her various petty crimes bring her to the attention of the authorities. Now as an adult, she retains that certain contempt for the haughty Samurai, particularly the Lion, Crane and Imperial Families, though her opinion of the Dragon and Unicorn has soften somewhat.
Sheelavaan of Bhavyatapura
Law Enforcement Upbringing
Ivory Kingdoms Dancing Blades
Earth: 3
Fire: 2
Air: 3
Water: 1
Void: 2
Glory: 30
Honor: 45
Command: 2
Courtesy: 1
Performance: 2
Culture: 2
Government: 1
Medicine: 1
Martial Arts (Melee): 2
Martial Arts (Ranged): 2
Seafaring: 1
Hawk's Precision
Rider's Haste
Warrior's Resolve
Honest Assessment
Eyes Up!
Distinction-Urbane and Worldly
Adversity-Many Mouths
Ankush was one of the peacekeepers in the megatropolis Bhavyatapura. He is but one of many children of a modestly successful family. However, there never seemed to be enough for everyone such that as an adult he would often send his extra earnings to his family to make sure his nieces and nephews never went hungry. Unfortunately, much of that changed when a street fight he was breaking up resulted in the unfortunate death of a wastrel son of a Rajah prince. To prevent further embarrassment to both his family and to the peacekeepers he belonged to, he accepted self-imposed exile. While he cannot return home, he has been able to send back much of the earnings he receives from the various jobs he has taken since coming to Rokugan.
Safiya Bin Ibrahim Al-Zawira
Quamarist Caliphate
Quamarist Alchemist
Craftsperson Upbringing
Earth 3
Fire 3
Air 2
Water 2
Void 2
Glory: 30
Honor: 52
Design: 1
Courtesy: 1
Culture: 2
Medicine: 2
Theology: 2
Martial Arts (Ranged): 2
Meditation: 2
Balancing Salve
Cleansing Rite
Illuminate the Way
Truth Burns Through Lies
Weight of Duty
Wanderer's Resolve
Distinction-Well Connected in Khanbulak
Passion-Local Flare for Rokugan-Unicorn
Adversity-Pursued by Alchemist Guild
Adversity-Gaijin Name
Anxiety-Coming Storm
Safiay's mother died in childbirth bringing her into the world. Being the only child, her father doted on her as if she were a son, teaching her hte secrets of the Quamarist Alchemist Guild.
The guild tolerated it due to the fact that he was one of the master craftsmen of the guild with ah distinguished family history in the guild. During a power struggle, he was murdered by rivals.
In the aftermath, she was to be married off by her distant relatives to a cruel Sharif who would not tolerate a woman practicing the arts. Rather than submit, she fled in the night east, not stopping until a patrol of Utaku Battle Maidens found her half-starved and on the verge of death outside the Hidden Valley of the Ganzu. After treating some of the horses with her salves, they escorted her to Khanbulak where she further endeared herself to the visiting Utaku Daimyo. She has continued further into the empire under the blessing of the Unicorn Clan. Her Ninjo is to gather enough strength and power to return to Al-Zawira and depose the guild masters who murdered her father.
Creator's note: While not originally planned, the striking similarities in backgrounds make me begrudgingly agree that she has much in Common with the Character from Obsidian's Neverwinter Nights 2 expansion Mask of the Betaryer. She is NOT a Red Wizard. However, it would stand to reason she would wear an outfit similar to the disguise that character wears in Mulsantir.