Damage from Monster

By somsubhro, in Arkham Horror


I am a bit confused about my characters taking damage from a monster. I'll try to spread my question into scenarios, involving player character C and monster M. I will also give my interpretation of the rules on them, so that people can just yes and not have to type out the exact meaning.

  1. Character C moves to a location with monster M, with one of his available actions. With his other available actions, C decides to ATTACK M, and defeats M. In this scenario, does C take any damage from M? In my interpretation of the rules, C does not take any damage here.
  2. In the monster phase, M moves to a location with C. Now, M attacks C. In my interpretation of the rules, C takes damage and is unable to attack M (until his action phase).
  3. C moves to a location with monster M, and decides to ATTACK M with an available action. However, C fails to defeat M. In my interpretation, C will not take any damage now, but as the monster is still alive, it will deal damage to C in the upcoming monster phase.

Looking forward to see what people have to say!!

Thank you.

Kind regards,


It's been a while since you posted and I'm not sure if you got the answers to your questions elsewhere, but here they are:

1) You're correct. If a character attacks and defeats a monster, that character takes no damage from the monster.

2) You're correct.

3) You're correct. A monster that isn't defeated by a character will damage that character during the next monster phase unless another character moves into C's space during the action phase and engages the monster by attacking it. If the monster is defeated then, it does no damage to either character. If it's not defeated, it will damage the character it is engaged with (in this case, the other character) during the next monster phase.

Thank you for your response, @jeremyj621 . I did get a response on boardgamegeek, but nice to get your response as well :)