I am a bit confused about my characters taking damage from a monster. I'll try to spread my question into scenarios, involving player character C and monster M. I will also give my interpretation of the rules on them, so that people can just yes and not have to type out the exact meaning.
- Character C moves to a location with monster M, with one of his available actions. With his other available actions, C decides to ATTACK M, and defeats M. In this scenario, does C take any damage from M? In my interpretation of the rules, C does not take any damage here.
- In the monster phase, M moves to a location with C. Now, M attacks C. In my interpretation of the rules, C takes damage and is unable to attack M (until his action phase).
- C moves to a location with monster M, and decides to ATTACK M with an available action. However, C fails to defeat M. In my interpretation, C will not take any damage now, but as the monster is still alive, it will deal damage to C in the upcoming monster phase.
Looking forward to see what people have to say!!
Thank you.
Kind regards,