My old roommate had a copy of Warhammer Quest and we played weekly on whichever night he had off.
He, his brother, my brother, my fiance and I would run and we had a blast.
He's since moved out, and my brother's moved in with us. I've been looking for a good replacement game that we could enjoy instead. We've still got access to myself, my fiance, my brother, my former roommate's brother and his fiance, so we've got 5 enough for 4 players and an Overlord.
I've been told that this would be a good replacement game for us since Quest is no longer available retail-wise. Has anyone out there played both?
How does Descent compare? We understand there will be differences, but really just want to know if it'll be easy enough to learn/enjoy coming from a heavy Warhammer/40k/Quest background.
Also, if this is what we end up picking up, with all the expansions available, are there any you'd list as 'gotta-have' or should we just pick them up in the order they were released?
Thanks ahead of time for taking the time to read, even if you haven't played Quest, I'd love to hear your opinion on the expansions.