Manicured Garden

By Vornmegil, in L5R LCG: Rules Discussion

Could someone please explain to me the use of this card. I can find neither errata nor discussion about this card but it seems completely OP. It states that as an action the controller can gain 1 fate when there is conflict at this province. There is no apparent limit to the uses of this so a defender could in theory gain 1 fate every action until the token pool is exhausted (up to 40 if its full), thereby leaving none for either player to gain during the dynasty phase. There is no way for the other player to stop this as the conflict only comes to an end when both players pass consecutively.


All triggered abilities (actions, reactions and interrupts) can only be used once per round unless otherwise stated. From page 12 of the Rules Reference:


Unless otherwise specified, each triggered ability can only be used once per game round. This general restriction applies to any triggered ability that does not have “Limit X per [period]” printed as part of the ability’s text

Edited by Thaliak

Two things:

Actions are once per round

The token pool isn't finite.