
By Vince79, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

I wanted to mention this, since I've read a lot of complaints about how difficult and hated this scenario is, especially for true solo. I tried playing this with the deck I had used in The Three Trials, and it was clear it wasn't going to cut it. But I got two wins out of five tries with this deck by Michael R from this thread:

It's a Spirit/Lore deck. I've heard that dwarf decks can work well with this one too, but I haven't tried it. I don't find this scenario enjoyable enough to stick around and experiment with it further. It wouldn't be that bad at all if it weren't for the Time effects.

Henamarth Riversong and Wingfoot make an effective combo here.

The nightmare version in solo is amazingly tough. Could only beat it with a Lore Aragorn deck.

23 minutes ago, Lecitadin said:

The nightmare version in solo is amazingly tough. Could only beat it with a Lore Aragorn deck.

I have yet to play a nightmare version of anything. I still have plenty of content to grind through in the "regular" game, and the original versions are challenging enough for my taste. I hear the nightmare versions aren't always harder, but are sometimes "fixed", whatever that means.

48 minutes ago, Vince79 said:

I hear the nightmare versions aren't always harder, but are sometimes "fixed", whatever that means.

That mostly happens for the early quests. For example, Nightmare Conflict at the Carrock forces you to put 1 progress on the first quest stage each round, so you can't turtle forever and then kill the trolls with ease when you finally move on.

Nightmare Dead Marshes automatically shuffles Gollum back into the deck if he gets discarded, so you don't have to go searching through the whole encounter deck for him if you fail enough escape tests.

Most of the early nightmare quests also significantly tighten up the theme of the quests.

I think this quest is the only quest where if someone suggested we play it I would always say no.

I, too, disliked it at first, then it has grown on me. But nightmare is still rage inducing.

6 hours ago, Onidsen said:

That mostly happens for the early quests. For example, Nightmare Conflict at the Carrock forces you to put 1 progress on the first quest stage each round, so you can't turtle forever and then kill the trolls with ease when you finally move on.

Nightmare Dead Marshes automatically shuffles Gollum back into the deck if he gets discarded, so you don't have to go searching through the whole encounter deck for him if you fail enough escape tests.

Dead Marshes sound like a fix. Conflict at the Carrock sounds like they're just taking away the best strategy.