Chico California - "A Meta in the North" - Newly Formed

By Fieras, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

At the recommendation of the vets at kublacon, I decided to start a Chico Meta.

We currently have 12 players and we meet on Mondays at 6pm for league play. One round against random opponents followed by a round of the winners each time we meet (Melee only at this point, but with more interest, joust is a certainty).

With the purchase of a core set, we offer card to fill your deck to 60 (of your choice from our binder) you can start the game inexpensively. Our gaming venue, the bulwark ( ) has a FFG vendor membership, so we can get chapter packs for cheap for members.

Please get in touch with us at the bulwark website, or talk to me at [email protected] if you are interested.


It was awesome to meet you guys at Kubla.

And a major job well done by those of you who made the cut to the finals.

And a major job well done for knocking me out of the tourney :)

Give us a ring any time youre in chico visiting family.

All hail the mighty Bulwark of the North. Nice to meet you guys at Kubla, and hope to see you at Calicon later this year.

12 players? Wow, I'm jealous.

Yeah, originally there were 6 people in the meta (One of each house). Ben, the owner of the bulwark has been asking me to join them for a couple months, but their game night conflicted with plans I had every tuesday, so I couldnt do it.

However, they recently changed to Mondays, and including myself, we got new Bara (2), Stark, Lanny, Targ, and Martell players. The monday before Kubla, we had 3 tables of 3 playing in a league night.

I am excited to see the Meta grow and get more competitive. We have a lot of work to do if we want to be able to hold our own with the rest of you.


Fieras said:

I am excited to see the Meta grow and get more competitive. We have a lot of work to do if we want to be able to hold our own with the rest of you.


Not so! Our game was pretty epic, and I was on pins and needles there at the end. You play good thrones. We were really happy ya'll came out to play in the regional and the was a great time. We'll be running CaliCon this summer, and would love it if some of you could make the trip. It is awesome to see the numbers grow in California.

Good luck to your Stark players, with the new set coming out you're going to have a hell of a time fending them off. (but just hold out, I have a feeling Bara will get rewarded as well).



Our game was definitely epic. 3 Str challenge vs 3 str to get the final power in the final round. Doesnt get much closer than that. I enjoyed playing against Martell for the first time ever. I never knew what was coming next.

We play mostly melee, so I just have to hope everyone focuses down the stark players :)

All of us had a blast playing you guys, and we will see what we can do to get down to CaliCon.


i have an offer/challenge for the Chico Meta for CaliCon 2010

If Chico can produce at least 5 participants in the Joust for CaliCon and 4+ for the Melee at CaliCon I will donate a special Game of Thrones prize for your game store, since I believe one of the owners is one of the GoT players.

Tonight is our AGoT night. I will pass on the message to everyone.

LaughingTree said:

i have an offer/challenge for the Chico Meta for CaliCon 2010

If Chico can produce at least 5 participants in the Joust for CaliCon and 4+ for the Melee at CaliCon I will donate a special Game of Thrones prize for your game store, since I believe one of the owners is one of the GoT players.

Oh snap! I believe the gauntlet just got thrown down!

X-posting to facebook to commence the smack talk.

Hey can I get a link to the Calicon site? My Google fu escapes me.

lol.... don't be fooled by the name...

Calicon is not really a "Con". It's more everyone in California getting together and having a huge tourney at Black DIamond Games or at Dan's house. The turn out is usually about the same a Kublacon, and we're able to have a lot more fun with it. Once Luke and Dan decide upon a date, they'll post something up here.

What Jester said, CaliCon is our own little moster of an A Game of Thrones Weekend. It's tons of fun. Free and more casual than Kubla, but the competition is still REALLY high.


Well free seems like the right price.

Let us know as soon as you know when it might be.


Was awesome meeting you guys at Kubla. I'll try to get up there sometime this summer to join your Meta for a night.

Word is CaliCon is late august or early september