It's the final push of the Under Seige Mission. The Imperials have managed to heroically capture three objectives. Darth Vader has made his way into the smoke filled corridors, oblivious to stench of seared Trandoshan flesh that permeates the air. He saunters past a bloodied and exhausted wookiee. As he turns the corner he sees the former padawan, Diala Passil locked in combat with one of the Emperor's guards. Just then, an ambitious stormtrooper runs past him, sprinting like a rabid gundark was on his heels. "Pardon me, my Lord" he utters as he charges past and into the room. Diala is unable to stop him as her pike is firmly lodged in the royal guard's chest, and from her dazed look, it appears as though she had recently been on the receiving end of a force pike's jolt. Vader marches toward her methodically, he suddenly feels the presence of the wookiee charging up behind him. He deftly avoids the blow and send the creature stumbling backward. A thunderous blast of an AT-ST's cannons finish the job. Vader passes through the twisted and charred wreckage that was once a durasteel door, easily knocking the padawan aside and moving towards the objective. Vader sees the brave stormtrooper who had earlier risked life and limb to rush past Diala, now in a gun fight with some rebel covering the objective. The trooper manages to hit the rebel in the shoulder, causing him to drop his weapon and fall backward. The trooper then charges forward. "I'm going to have to nominate this one for the Death Trooper academy." Vader thinks. Just then, an energy bolt crackles through the smoky air and strikes the trooper through his helmet. "Unfortunate," Vader murmurs. He sees the culprit, a mangy Bothan, who maladroitly runs to the objective, taking cover behind a terminal. "No matter," Vader muses, but just as the Dark Lord is about to march towards their position and perniciously deal with the two rebels he feels the pull of the force. "What's this?" He is yanked backwards by Diala. She jumps over him as he falls unceremoniously to the metal decking, fleeing to her companions. "Most impressive," Vader thinks, as his cyborg enhancements spring him upright like a nexu. An Imperial officer bursts into the room and tries to reach the now fleeing Rebels. It is too late. The mission would deemed a failure for the Imperials. A group of insurgents cover their comrades retreat in a hail of blaster fire. The junior officer looks anxiously at the dark lord...