I'm a bit confused and I shouldn't be. Does Engine techs trigger from a command dial or do you need to have a token? Let's say I have my ship, it has engine techs, I have a maneuver dial. Can I move the ship, altering speed and getting an extra notch on yaw, as per the maneuver dial, and THEN ALSO use the same dial to power Engine Techs?
Engine techs question
The Navigate symbol on Engine Techs means "You can do this when you resolve the Navigate Command"
So you Resolve the Navigate Command... You get all of the Benefits of DOING said Navigate Command.
THEN, BECAUSE you did a Command, you get to do Engine Techs.
Just remember that a command can be one of 3 Things:
A Dial
A Token
A Dial+Token
As long as you are *resolving the command* and not spending the resource on some other upgrade (such as TAKE EVASIVE ACTION!), you fulfill the requirement for Engine Techs to trigger.
By Necessity however, you habve *Resolved* the command *Before* you use Engine Techs, so you cannot "Save" the Extra Yaw or Speed Change *For* the Engine Techs movement.
Edited by Drasnighta
Thanks. I got it in to my head a few weeks ago that ET required a token.
Edited by flatpackhamster4 hours ago, flatpackhamster said:Thanks. I got it in to my head a few weeks ago that ET required a token.
Its close! It just requires a command! 😄