I think it's time.

By KCDodger, in X-Wing Off-Topic

It's usually considered egotistical for posters to say goodbye publically. There's this whole, weird internet culture that disallows such a thing... But I've been around since 2014.

Star Wars is in a bad spot. For five years I haven't been able to just wholly enjoy it. It's a fandom of "But!" and "That's not right" and "Boy I sure do hate X". The ones that talk about, freely, what they love, have been allowed those things, time to shine. Shine so much brighter than anything new. Anger won last year officially and I've been depressed about it ever since then.

Some of you understand, many of you don't, the pain of wanting to love something new and to have people come out in droves to call you an awful person for having an open heart and mind to new things.

You can have your heroes of old, your things that never change- Star Wars is yours. You have made it so, gated it off from all who would enter who saw things differently. You win. I'm out of energy and the desire to engage with fans. I honestly can't think of any other fandom I've actively participated in that's so incredibly hostile.

As for the forum there's a lot of you that are outright good people. Some of you, especially in recent things, are the worst I've ever encountered. I've seen a lot of jerks come and go, and maybe I'm one of them to some.

I left my mark. I left it in the Rebels thread more than anywhere else as a bastion of positivity for the new. This is where it has lead me.

For hatred to win despite your greatest efforts is one of the most brutally horrible experiences you can have. To invest so much of yourself in something that was important to you since you could just barely form memories, only for those who refuse all that is unfamiliar, to win the day, to fight for the future of something you love, daring to be different - to say, "Maybe they have some good ideas, maybe we have to give a little to get a little" and to be drowned out by hatred is...

It's a horrible feeling, and I think I'm officially done with it.

Star Wars is not mine. Though my earliest memory is of the Death Star trench run.
Star Wars is not mine. Though my hero was Han Solo as a young child.
Star Wars is not mine. Despite seeing every midnight release since 1999.
Star Wars is not mine. Despite playing 80% of the games that have come out for it to completion.
Star Wars is not mine. Even if I do know more about the world and universe than even some of the loremasters at Lucasfilm, and even forty year veterans of the fandom.
Star Wars is not mine. Even though I love it - or want to, with all my heart.

Despite so much there is no place for people like me here. There is no place for love in the Star Wars fandom. No place for the belief that nothing in it is holy, but that does not exclude respect towards it. There is no place for those who want a better, more diverse, brighter, explorative future for Star Wars.

Star Wars is Jedi. Star Wars is Sith. Star Wars is Empire. Star Wars is Rebel. Star Wars is The Force.

That is all Star Wars is. That is all Star Wars will ever be. So it was decreed by this fandom since before this century began. So has it remained ever since then.

I cannot look at this franchise with anything but bitter pain. A fight that I lost as early as seven years old.

Star Wars is yours. You can have it.

Some of you know how to contact me. Don't do so on this site. I won't be logging in again.


Sorry about your heartaches here, KC. I feel your pain, but also hope that you can find some peace as you move forward.

See ya around, Gold Leader.

Sad to see you go, @KCDodger , but do what you gotta do. You've become one of my favorite people on this site. Best hopes.



I'll miss you KCDodger. Totally understand feeling like this right now

Edited by Kyle Ren

Sucks that you came to this and my heart does go out to you. I hope you can find peace and happiness in some aspect of your life....


(and I realize you likely won't see this but maybe someone in a similar place will)

I do hope you can learn that this is all stuff that really doesn't matter. You cannot get so wrapped up in something that the opinions of a bunch of idiots that you will never actually meet, can have this much of a negative impact on your life. Its just sad, bored, mean, what have you people hammering on a keyboard. And if you don't like the new trilogy like I think you have come to not like, then don't ever watch it again. There is so many shows, media, games, etc. out there that it would take years of a "quarantine" to get through.

Star Wars is a huge part of my childhood and I think like everyone in there 30-40s, we are just trying to relive a piece of it when we plop down in our couch and see that opening crawl hit the screen. Disney failed to spark that in some (maybe most) of us. But its okay. I don't have to watch the Disney Trilogy for my own entertainment. I have the OT and that's enough. In time I will forget what happened in those stupid movies like I have forgotten whatever the **** happened in Indian Jones 4. I don't need them!

I still got Rogue One, Mandalorian, etc. Maybe the new movies will be decent. Who knows?

Well that sucks. But I've been there too on some things in my day, so I guess I get it. Go back far enough and there's even a so-long-for-now from me on this forum too, for mostly unrelated but similar reasons. Time away at least in another forum helped, and I came back. But, I reckon I don't have much of a place to talk really here, having been on your s#&+ list. We disagreed on more than a thing or two I know. But I always remembered the things we agreed on when we did. The common ground was always worth more than a battle over the high ground. Sincerely I never had any ill will in it all, for what it's worth.

Well ladies and gents, we should at least send our compatriot off proper, because y'know, no one is every really gone. So raise a glass y'all. To the fonder memories you keep, over the bitter ones you forget.

The Force will be with you. Always.

About bloody time, you’ve been nothing but toxic for 2 years now.

you claim “hatred” wins when half of It’s your faults been because you keep picking fights with people. No compromise. No respect. You have a very poor way of sharing love for something with someone, at least on here anyway.

Star Wars is what you make of it, and seeking validation from people who aren’t you is only going to cause you pain somewhere down the line.

I hope this time away from here allows you to detox. Were I a betting person, I’d wager you’ll pop up either here or somewhere else on the internet to scratch that itch when the rebels sequel drops. I hope in that time you can learn to appreciate what you loved about Star Wars before, and not care about what In Star Wars you don’t, because at the end of the day Star Wars is whatever you decide to make of it, fandom or not.

“A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away…to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing.” - Yoda, ESB

23 hours ago, FlyingAnchors said:

About bloody time, you’ve been nothing but toxic for 2 years now.

you claim “hatred” wins when half of It’s your faults been because you keep picking fights with people. No compromise. No respect. You have a very poor way of sharing love for something with someone, at least on here anyway.

Star Wars is what you make of it, and seeking validation from people who aren’t you is only going to cause you pain somewhere down the line.

I hope this time away from here allows you to detox. Were I a betting person, I’d wager you’ll pop up either here or somewhere else on the internet to scratch that itch when the rebels sequel drops. I hope in that time you can learn to appreciate what you loved about Star Wars before, and not care about what In Star Wars you don’t, because at the end of the day Star Wars is whatever you decide to make of it, fandom or not.

“A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away…to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing.” - Yoda, ESB

Couldn’t agree more, I’ve been here seven years since signing up and probably a year lurking before I created an account, Dodger had the honor of being the second person I blocked in all that time. There used to be good things and discussions from this poster, but over the last couple years the toxic levels overshadowed any and all good things and I chose to see no more conversations from them. Hopefully time away will help whatever has brought the hate and anger out, honestly most times it seemed the purpose was solely to berate people and argue, things I won’t miss. If your still lurking I hope you find a better outlet for your anger and aggression than on a miniatures message board about an IP we all supposedly like, we are here to discuss this game and Star Wars in general. Best of luck to you, hope you find a way to interact better with your peers than you did here.