"Iconic" characters

By Tonbo Karasu, in L5R LCG: Lore Discussion

2 hours ago, AtoMaki said:

I'm fairly sure I'm arguing against the same 3-4 people for the 6th time, to be honest. My shock is partially stemming from @Shiba Gunichi of all people defending Ishikawa after our 'are-the-Isawa-arrogant-or-not' argument.

Because the Isawa are arrogant... and if you'd applied a less pejorative tag to Ishikawa than one indicating that he's some kind of sexual predator in waiting, we might be able to properly address his flaws 😛

2 hours ago, AtoMaki said:

Well, Ishikawa catching up to Kaede in Falling Stars did have a strange selection of words and an even stranger situation regarding Ishikawa just stumbling into Kaede in a random corridor. But maybe 'infatuated' is a better word?

It certainly fits his actual behavior better. He is absolutely infatuated with her, nobody reading the text can deny that.

10 hours ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

To make this a bit less serious again. Suppose we miraculously got an L5R computer game, not unlike Dynasty/Samurai Warriors, which characters do you think would make good characters?

Crab: Hida Tomonatsu- Thanklessly sacrificed herself to save her Champion, but I think she would have done this to save any of her clan mates.

Crane: Doji Kuzunobu- Married to the Champion for political reasons and works to advance his clan's cause in the courts.

Dragon: Kitsuki Chiari- Courtier turned investigator, turned palace infiltrator.

Lion: Ikoma Tsanuri- trying to uphold all the tenets of Bushido.

Phoenix: Kaito Kosori. Humble while powerful, cares about the Empire's wellbeing.

Scorpion: Shosuro Miyako- getting the job done, whatever the cost.

Unicorn: probably I'm biased, but Moto Chagatai is who I feel captures the spirit of the Unicorn the best.