Greetings I have the following Encounter card with a secret. It says:
Action: Choose 2 facedown contact tokens on different planets. Secretly look at those tokens, and then you may exchange them.
What does the card means with Exchange?
Greetings I have the following Encounter card with a secret. It says:
Action: Choose 2 facedown contact tokens on different planets. Secretly look at those tokens, and then you may exchange them.
What does the card means with Exchange?
On 5/6/2020 at 2:52 PM, player3505857 said:Greetings I have the following Encounter card with a secret. It says:
Action: Choose 2 facedown contact tokens on different planets. Secretly look at those tokens, and then you may exchange them.What does the card means with Exchange?
Page 5 of the Rules Reference Guide under Contact Tokens :
If an ability instructs a player to “exchange” two contact tokens, each of the two contact tokens is taken from its current contact space and placed on the contact space that the other token was taken from. Each contact token that is exchanged remains in its faceup or facedown state, as appropriate.