Will probably be playing my brother-in-law this weekend, and he just got in a 2nd set of tauntauns and a 2nd At-Rt. I would run my At-St but he doesn't like playing against it and I want to not rely on it... Does this list make sense?
Imperial - Standard (800 point)
Vader - Force Choke, Force Reflexes, Force Push (215)
Bossk - Hunter, Targeting Scopes (125)
Shore Troopers - T-21B, Targeting Scopes (88)
Shore Troopers - T-21B, Targeting Scopes (88)
DF-90 Mortar Troop (36)
DF-90 Mortar Troop (36)
Stormtroopers - HH-12 (70)
Stormtroopers (44)
Strike Team - DLT-19X (48)
Strike Team - DLT-19X (48)
Total points - 798 with 10 activations
Command Cards - 1-Merciless Munitions, 1-Vader's Might, 2-Fear and Dead Men, 2-Reptilian Rampage, 3-Master of Evil, 3-Coordinated Fire, 4-Standing Orders
Idea is to suppress with Bossk, Shores and Mortar Team.. Run the storms out front to tank at first. Take some long shots with the snipers utilizing pierce.. and then maybe finish them with Vader/keep them out of melee with force push.
My worry is activation control...