Just checking in to see if there are any updates to this wonderful product?
[Version 0.8] The Old Republic
I've finally gotten around to updating this!
Changes for Version 0.8:
- Made title all caps
- Fix table backgrounds
- Acolyte: Replace "Prey on the Weak" with "Renegade Form"
- Lord: Replaced "Enhanced Leader" with "Nobody's Fool (Improved)", replaced "Fear the Shadows" with "Master of the Order"
- Sorcerer: Replaced "Intense Focus" with "Natural Mystic"
- Gladiator: Adjust connection in the tree (D2-D3)
- Mandalorian Crusader: Completely redesigned the tree
- Cartel Dealer: Added this new tree
- Imperial Loyalist: Added this new tree
- Removed conflict from certain talents
- Made all conflict talents force talents as well
- Added the Dart Launcher weapons, inspired by Bounty Hunter & Imperial Agent skills in TOR
- Fixed styling & colours
- Added credits for all known artwork
Rattataki: Boost to 105 XP since they don't get a Characteristic buff.
Blademaster: Remove connection between Improved Parry and Rule by Fear.
Cartel Dealer: Just wanted to say that this is a really well-done tree. It fits the concept well and has some nice unique talents.
Imperial Loyalist: Swap Intimidating (B1) and Scathing Tirade (A1). This makes it a tad more expensive to get Scathing Tirade and places the two Intimidating talents farther apart. Imperial Valor already exists as an ability name, allowing the NPC to spend a maneuver to redirect incoming attacks to an ally or defenseless character within range. Cool talent, needs a different name.
I'll have more input a bit later, once I've finished reading through.
Mandalorian Crusader: Looking at Darasuum Kote longer, I think maybe change it to taking a Crit (clarifying that they can do it even if they otherwise would not be able to take actions as a result of the crit). I think it's a bit more dramatically appropriate. Looks good!
Dart weapons: Nice. What about an armor attachment launcher?
Great! I am enjoying playing in this era. Thanks for the work you put into this.
This PDF looks great!
Two small errors found on a very quick skim through ...
Echani species' Communication By Combat ability: "... to discover their targets motivation ..." (that should be "target's", with an apostrophe between the t and s). Of course, this assumes a single opponent. Multiple opponents would be "... targets' ...". Actually, that brings up a question: can this species ability be used against multiple opponents at the same time?
Miraluka species' Physiology section has a second paragraph which refers to the Echani (looks like a copy/paste accident).
On 8/30/2020 at 7:12 PM, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Rattataki: Boost to 105 XP since they don't get a Characteristic buff.
Yup, that's my mistake on the maths as well, since I try to adhere to the Genesys guidelines for species/archetype creation.
Blademaster: Remove connection between Improved Parry and Rule by Fear.
Dunno about this one. I felt like having no middle connections in the first three tiers might be a bit rough...
Cartel Dealer: Just wanted to say that this is a really well-done tree. It fits the concept well and has some nice unique talents.
Imperial Loyalist: Swap Intimidating (B1) and Scathing Tirade (A1). This makes it a tad more expensive to get Scathing Tirade and places the two Intimidating talents farther apart. Imperial Valor already exists as an ability name, allowing the NPC to spend a maneuver to redirect incoming attacks to an ally or defenseless character within range. Cool talent, needs a different name.
Yeah fair point on the talent swap. I do like an early Scathing Tirade, but the Intimidates are clustered. And I had completely forgotten about that NPC ability. I'll try to come up with a different name.
Mandalorian Crusader: Looking at Darasuum Kote longer, I think maybe change it to taking a Crit (clarifying that they can do it even if they otherwise would not be able to take actions as a result of the crit). I think it's a bit more dramatically appropriate. Looks good!Hmm, I definitely like the added level of drama. It also makes for hillarious (non-)synnergy with having a Solider-Medic, who could use "It's not that bad" to have the crit not happen. Players get to argue whether to take it or not
Dart weapons: Nice. What about an armor attachment launcher?I hadn't considered it yet, but I also hadn't really given a thought to armor attachments. Technically one could just mount the launcher to the armor with existing attachments, but having a dedicated one may make the option more obvious and available to the players.
On 8/30/2020 at 8:36 PM, Bellona said:[...]
Echani species' Communication By Combat ability: "... to discover their targets motivation ..." (that should be "target's", with an apostrophe between the t and s). Of course, this assumes a single opponent. Multiple opponents would be "... targets' ...". Actually, that brings up a question: can this species ability be used against multiple opponents at the same time?
It should be single target, that's a typo on my end!
Miraluka species' Physiology section has a second paragraph which refers to the Echani (looks like a copy/paste accident).
It sure was, thanks for spotting that!
Edited by BluSunrize
8 minutes ago, BluSunrize said:Dunno about this one. I felt like having no middle connections in the first three tiers might be a bit rough..
Why? What is the benefit of having that link? I'm looking at it from the lens of thematic character progression. You've got it basically split into two halves that then converge into a third segment. The two halves are unrelated abilities-wise, so why should they connect before reaching that third section?
This is not unprecedented (Commodore in particular), and some trees have entire sections unconnected from the main tree (Rigger). I see no real benefit to the link unless it's just a cheaper way to get Rule by Fear or Improved Parry.
I don't like trees that are hard to navigate, but this tree isn't and the change won't make it hard to navigate.
Maybe add a connection between Reckless Charge and Quick Strike though. They seem to fit pretty well.
Very interesting, I'm trying to build a document for my own game set up in the High Republic (before we're getting anything official); How did you build your source file? Especially the cover page? Do you have some resources that you'd be willing to share?
On 10/6/2020 at 4:28 AM, aljovin said:Very interesting, I'm trying to build a document for my own game set up in the High Republic (before we're getting anything official); How did you build your source file? Especially the cover page? Do you have some resources that you'd be willing to share?
I used Affinity Publisher , the same software I've been using for my Genesys content.
I originally did a lot of googling, experimenting and measurement to get all the fonts and colours right, but since then someone actually has made a very comprehensive guide:
may I inquire as to the thinking behind the Sith Species? I had my own version but this is somewhat different and I'm curious as to why you did it this way.
11 hours ago, Luahk said:may I inquire as to the thinking behind the Sith Species? I had my own version but this is somewhat different and I'm curious as to why you did it this way.
So I was sure from the start that I wanted to give them cunning, due to the frequent amount of manipulation and backstabbing and usurping we see in Sith culture. Naturally, one of their stat needs to be lowered to 1 then, or else they would lose a full 30 XP (going by Genesys guidelines here). I debated what to dump on them, and neither Brawn nor Agility felt great for that, and I felt that they also commanded a certain Presence.
That put me between reducing Intellect or Willpower, and I chose Willpower. I realize this feels bad for a force user, who relies on Strain (note though, that their threshold is buffed, so they still start at 12). In the end, I made call because I figured we have plenty examples of Sith chosing to flee, and many Sith give in to fear or mindcontrol before the ancient spirits on Korriban. High Discipline can compensate for this.
As for their skillset: Knowledge (Lore) is underused, and The Old Republic shows us that the ruins of Korriban still hold a lot of value to the Purebloods. Leadership is in there because they are often found in higher positions in the hierarchy of the Sith Empire.
On 10/10/2020 at 2:46 PM, BluSunrize said:So I was sure from the start that I wanted to give them cunning, due to the frequent amount of manipulation and backstabbing and usurping we see in Sith culture. Naturally, one of their stat needs to be lowered to 1 then, or else they would lose a full 30 XP (going by Genesys guidelines here). I debated what to dump on them, and neither Brawn nor Agility felt great for that, and I felt that they also commanded a certain Presence.
That put me between reducing Intellect or Willpower, and I chose Willpower. I realize this feels bad for a force user, who relies on Strain (note though, that their threshold is buffed, so they still start at 12). In the end, I made call because I figured we have plenty examples of Sith chosing to flee, and many Sith give in to fear or mindcontrol before the ancient spirits on Korriban. High Discipline can compensate for this.As for their skillset: Knowledge (Lore) is underused, and The Old Republic shows us that the ruins of Korriban still hold a lot of value to the Purebloods. Leadership is in there because they are often found in higher positions in the hierarchy of the Sith Empire.
I lowered pressence personally because I feel they're more rule by fear (to quote your talent i think) than anything else. So coercion I don't see them as people who charm..keep their cool..negotiate or show leadership they simply demand obedience. I went Will 3 and the others 2.
Cool insight to the thought process though.
Dude this is based. I have been running a homebrew Mandalorian Wars campaign and this pdf youve made is awesome. Thanks for making this
I am part of a table top group that may be interested in playing in or using thing from the old republic so i hope we can play test this soon and let you know what we think of it good work so fair. hope one day a rule involving the dark side is add. like willpower checks maybe a discipline or vigilance can get used to regain the stain threshold i don't 1 or 2 less strain forever. how cool would it be if at the once per section you could roll a discipline or vigilance or a straight wisdom check to get rid of the strain threshold loss. example and maybe a perk for sith players is a Jedi that fails to the dark side can make a discipline or vigilance check at 4 difficulty dice but a sith dose the check at 3 difficulty dice if you have success you reduce the difficulty in the future sections going from 4 to 3 for jedi and from 3 to 2 for sith until you hit 0 if you triumph you regain that stain threshold if you fail you take a stain. example 1 fail and a triumph you tack one strain but you regain the strain threshold that you lost from failing to the dark side. and if you fail further to the lowest level of the dark side you do this all over again. as for your sith i feel it should be the opposite 11 brawn and 10 strain and you can do Coercion 1, Deception 1 and start them at 100xp not sure the xp adds up that way but just a thought.
I'm an amateur writer and content creator. If you need any help at all, I will gladly assist in this development. Please reach out to me at your soonest convenience.
Brilliant piece of work. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it completed.
What I'd love to see most is what sort of droids and vehicles you'll make when you get around to those.
On 10/9/2020 at 2:06 PM, BluSunrize said:I used Affinity Publisher , the same software I've been using for my Genesys content.
I originally did a lot of googling, experimenting and measurement to get all the fonts and colours right, but since then someone actually has made a very comprehensive guide:
I made a lightsaber crystal fan supplement and looked around for something like this for quite a while, but the best I could find was a couple powerpoint templates for EotE and AoR, nothing for F&D style. A shame it requires a couple programs that you have to pay for or I'd be right on it.
Sith are known for a lack of self-control, so Willpower 1 would make sense for the species Sith.
This is some great home brew.
BluSunerize, would you mind if I reuse your Cartel Dealer and Gladiator specializations, along with Sith Career and its specializations, in some homebrew that I'm currently developing? Note for my purposes I'll likely revise the Talent trees as you have them to follow Genesys practices.
Impressive. Most impressive.
On 12/6/2020 at 11:00 AM, immortalfrieza said:I made a lightsaber crystal fan supplement and looked around for something like this for quite a while, but the best I could find was a couple powerpoint templates for EotE and AoR, nothing for F&D style. A shame it requires a couple programs that you have to pay for or I'd be right on it.
You can use all of These templates with free programs, Gimp as photoshop replacement and Scribus for InDesign.
On 12/12/2020 at 9:55 PM, Vandal Thorne said:This is some great home brew.
BluSunerize, would you mind if I reuse your Cartel Dealer and Gladiator specializations, along with Sith Career and its specializations, in some homebrew that I'm currently developing? Note for my purposes I'll likely revise the Talent trees as you have them to follow Genesys practices.
Of course, help yourself! As long as you give credit where due (and spell my name right! =P)
@BluSunrize for your Sith i feel it should be the opposite 11 brawn and 10 strain and do Coercion 1, Deception 1 (maybe Coercion 1 or Deception 1) and start them at 100xp not sure the xp adds up that way but just a thought. sith don't led you do what they say or die. although Knowledge (Lore) dose make senses.