Rogue Death Trooper.
Active: Augmented Fragmentation Grenade: 2 Strain
Throw an augmented fragmentation grenade targeting a space 4 spaces away. Roll one red die, each figure on or adjacent to the targeted space takes the damage results +1 damage.
Passive: Explosive Morale Boost: If two or more figures were damaged by the Augmented Fragmentation Grenade, give one friendly figure within 3 spaces 1 Damage, Surge, Defense, or Evade power token.
Health 14
Endurance 4
Speed 4
Might-Blue, Yellow
Insight: Green
Tech: Blue, Green, Yellow.
Defense Pool, Black
Wounded Stats: Lose Explosive Moral Boost.
Health 14
Endurance 3
Speed 3
Might-Blue, Red
Insight- Blue
Tech- Blue, Green, Red
Defense Pool, Black
Starting Weapon:
Modified E11-D: Ranged: One Augment Slot:
Attack Pool: Red and Yellow:
+2 accuracy
Surges: 1 Surge=1 damage, 1 surge=1 damage and pierce 1.
1XP: Searing Blade: Weapon: Energized Bayonet: No Augment Slot:
This weapon is attached to the end of the Modified E11-D as a free augment or to any other ranged weapon, but takes augment slot.
Attack Pool: Red
+2 damage
Surges: 1 Surge= +1 damage, pierce 1.
1 Strain: If you make a successful attack against an enemy that is adjacent with the ranged weapon that this is attached too, then make an attack with the Searing Bayonet without taking an action.
1xp: Flanked: 1 Strain: When you or a friendly figure declares an attack if you are within 3 spaces of the targeted enemy figure test might. If successful then that enemy gets a -1 defense or -1 evade to their defense results.
2xp: Modified E11-D Scope: Free Attachment: This Scope is attached to your Modified E11-D as a free augment or to any other ranged weapon, but takes augment slot.
+2 Accuracy: Exhaust this card to add +1 surge to the attack results and to ignore figures for line of sight.
2xp: Large Payload: When Using Augmented Fragmentation Grenade you may have all targets within 2 spaces of targeted space take the damage results. If you defeat an enemy with the Augmented Fragmentation Grenade, recover 1 strain.
3xp: Heavily Modified Blaster: You may have two additional attachments on the Modified E11-D or one additional attachment to any other ranged weapon.
Exhaust this card: When you declare an attack with the E11-D, you may replace one die in the attack pool with any other die of your choice.
3xp: Upgraded Death Trooper Armor: +4 HP, 1 Strain: Exhaust this card to add a white defense die to your defense pool. 2 Strain: In addition to the white defense die that is added, also Add a black defense die to your defense pool. (Limit One Armor per character.)
4xp: Krayt Dragon Ammo: Free Augment: This upgrade is considered a free augment for your Modified E11-D or any other ranged weapon, but takes augment slot..
Your E11-D gains one red die in its attack pool. 2 Surge-+3 damage.
One Action: You may target up to 3 enemies within 2 spaces of each other, those enemies take 3 damage and they are weakened, if they have damage on them, do an additional 2 damage, but do not apply weakened.
4xp: Upgraded Death Trooper Helmet: +2 Accuracy, +1 Evade, You may add one blue die to the attack pool of your Modified E11-D. When you declare an attack, you May change your yellow or red die to a blue. If you defeat a target while attacking with the Modified E11-D, gain one power token of your choice.
Reward: Pinpoint Throw: If you defeat an enemy with Augmented Frag Grenade, then become focused. If you defeat two or more enemies then have an ally gain one of the following effects per enemy defeated.
If two enemies are defeated, gain a power token of your choice.
If three enemies are defeated, gain focused.
If four or more enemies are defeated, gain interrupt and make a free attack action.