I'm a relatively new player, playing solo all the time, and am struggling a bit with a few of the rules in the first scenario of OHaUH (We Must Away, Ere Break of Day). Please can someone help...
1. How do the troll rules work? All three have a different bit of info on them ('cannot play attachment cards on Troll enemies' / 'Trolls not engaged cannot take damage' / 'Trolls can only be attacked by one character at a time'). Once all three are in the staging area, do all three of these rules apply at all times? Or only when engaged? And once one troll is killed, does his specific rule still apply to the other two now he's in the victory display, or is it then only the remaining ones rules that apply? Knowing the answer to this would help me decide which order to try and kill them in...
2. Stage 2B 'Roast Mutton' states to advance to the next stage if there are no encounter cards left or no trolls in play. But do I need to still get one single progress point on the card first? The number 1 implies I do, but the text stating that any time progress tokens would be placed there I should discard encounter cards instead confuses me. Does that rule only apply to any extra progress tokens beyond the first one? As I'm playing solo it can sometimes take me several turns just to get one progress token there as there's usually a build up of threat in the staging area at that point as I've been too busy dealing with trolls to cope with much questing!
3. Finally, the troll key. What do I do with it if it turns up when there are no trolls in the staging area,? The text on it doesn't seem clear to me - can I just add it to the staging area and then exhaust Bilbo to get hold of it, or does it go into the discard pile? The rules only seem to explain what to do if it's first attached to a troll.
Thanks in advance!