Resisting Force power checks with Enhance Athletics or Resilience

By Bellona, in Game Masters

PCs and certain NPCs may try to resist Force powers being used on them by means of an opposed check (sidebar FaD p. 283).

Usually the attacking character uses Discipline, although the sidebar suggests certain situations which call for other skills instead. Likewise the defender usually uses Discipline, although the sidebar again suggests certain other skills if the specific situation warrents it. Two examples of the "non-standard" skills given for the defender are Athletics and Resilience.

My question is this: if the defender has the Enhance power and upgrades, does he include his Force dice when resisting a Force power with either Athletics or Resilience? (Or the other Enhanced skills, for that matter?)

Since the question revolves around the defender's part of an opposed check, the only way that I can see the defender's Force dice being included would be as a separate dice pool with those dice alone, and the LS/DS pips being used as Failures added to the opposed check. (Otherwise it would be too confusing with two different sets of Force dice in the same pool.)

2 hours ago, Bellona said:

My question is this: if the defender has the Enhance power and upgrades, does he include his Force dice when resisting a Force power with either Athletics or Resilience? (Or the other Enhanced skills, for that matter?)

Though it would make sense narratively, I don't think the game scales very well if you do that.

7 hours ago, Bellona said:

PCs and certain NPCs may try to resist Force powers being used on them by means of an opposed check (sidebar FaD p. 283).

Usually the attacking character uses Discipline, although the sidebar suggests certain situations which call for other skills instead. Likewise the defender usually uses Discipline, although the sidebar again suggests certain other skills if the specific situation warrents it. Two examples of the "non-standard" skills given for the defender are Athletics and Resilience.

My question is this: if the defender has the Enhance power and upgrades, does he include his Force dice when resisting a Force power with either Athletics or Resilience? (Or the other Enhanced skills, for that matter?)

Since the question revolves around the defender's part of an opposed check, the only way that I can see the defender's Force dice being included would be as a separate dice pool with those dice alone, and the LS/DS pips being used as Failures added to the opposed check. (Otherwise it would be too confusing with two different sets of Force dice in the same pool.)

I'm inclined to say "no," as the Enhance power revolves around when the user is actively making the specified skill check.

When resisting a Force power, it's the attacker that's making a check, while the defender's rating in the skill and characteristic are used to set the difficulty. In this case, the defender isn't actively doing anything, but reacting/defending against an offensive Force power.

It also has the issue as whafrog noted of making Enhance very good in those circumstances, especially for characters that have been able to significantly bolster their Force Rating.