Qraith’s Droid painting (12/02) - Darth Maul & Anakin Skywalker

By Qraith, in Painting

Hey guys,

i thought I also start a little thread here to share my miniatures with you guys.

So let’s start with some B1s




B1 Unit upgrades




B2 Super Battledroids



next some Droidekas







the AAT







General Grievous







A very special Unit B1s



Vital Assets


Edited by Qraith

Wow! Those are awesome. The colors are vibrant and the bases look great. The terrain looks fantastic too.

About time you posted these here!

Fantastic work all around. I'm a canon paint job guy myself but the character you've given to even the simple B1s is not just admirable but inspiring!

I love that dooku. Very dramatic.

All very unique and inventive, without morphing into something unrecognisable. Very well painted too. Love the Dooku, full of character.

I decided to paint the Neimoidian hostage from Vital Assets. I absolutely love this miniature. The face is amazing and it was a welcome change




Nicely done!

Think I saw this on instagram too. Really cool


What are the mesh screens in the ground cover of your larger models? Are those traps, debris, underground vents?

They look cool, but I keep wondering if I'm missing something from a larger scale would be obvious.

13 hours ago, buckero0 said:


What are the mesh screens in the ground cover of your larger models? Are those traps, debris, underground vents?

They look cool, but I keep wondering if I'm missing something from a larger scale would be obvious.

My Forces are supposed to fight on Geonosis and that's also my Terrain. I wanted to introduce something interesting and there is a Scene in Episode 2 when Anakin enters the Underground facilities via some vents. Thats what they're supposed to resemble, underground vents for the facility ventilation

Right now I’m workin on the second B2 squad

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Love the heavy's shoulders. How do you get the colors to pop so much?

Thank you so much!

Colors pop best if you give them a lot of contrast. I always start very dark with the specific color and then go very bright. It also helps to not only mix in white but very bright yellow. I do so in the blues and the greens

Edited by Qraith
On 6/13/2020 at 11:49 PM, Tidrewski Kolbehs said:

Love the heavy's shoulders. How do you get the colors to pop so much?

An additional adivce I can give you is the following: For minis that are largely the same color or have larger flat Areas it is important to use (excessive) blacklining. If you use a black ink and draw a fine line where panels or different parts of a mini meet, the mini gets broken up and is way easier to read for the eye.

Combining that with a very bright edge highlight gives the highest possible contrast and really makes things Pop. (That is also largely how GW does their models)

Edited by Qraith

What do you mean with "a black ink"? like a pen? or is that a paint color name?

1 hour ago, Tidrewski Kolbehs said:

What do you mean with "a black ink"? like a pen? or is that a paint color name?

Some shades like nuln oil which are black diluted. But you can buy black ink (vallejo do some for example). You can also use black that you dilute with medium or water.

2 hours ago, Tidrewski Kolbehs said:

What do you mean with "a black ink"? like a pen? or is that a paint color name?

He is referring to acrylic ink. It is similar to acrylic paint, but has very different properties. It is much thinner, but has very strong pigmentation. It can also be opaque or semi-transparent (usually the latter for miniatures). Several of the miniature paint brands have their own inks, but there are also artist inks which work the same but come in larger bottles (usually with handy droppers).

@Lochlan is exactly right. I myself use Inks from Scale75 for example, but there are tons of other Options. Inks are a particular product that doesn't exist in the GW range, which is quite a shame because if it did it would be known better.

Blacklining with an Ink has a very similar effect compared to using a wash. The effect is just way way stronger. You're boosting the contrast of the figure because you're picking out the single elements by seperating them from their surroundings. The ink is way more pronounced in that process compared to a wash.

Edited by Qraith

The second B2 squad is now completely finished





6 hours ago, Qraith said:

Inks are a particular product that doesn't exist in the GW range, which is quite a shame because if it did it would be known better.

GW used to have inks, back when I first got into miniatures in the early 2000s. But they dropped them at some point, probably to put the focus on washes. Which it does seem that the paint brands treat inks and washes as an either/or thing: GW and Army Painter have washes, whereas Vallejo, Reaper, and Scale75 have inks, and I don't think there's any crossover.

Thank you both. The Heavy's backs are incredible!

Wow! Absolutely amazing paintjob!

I love the brownish colour on your Geonosian B1 Battledroids - which paints did you use to achieve that particular hue?

On 6/19/2020 at 3:21 PM, MicroManager said:

Wow! Absolutely amazing paintjob!

I love the brownish colour on your Geonosian B1 Battledroids - which paints did you use to achieve that particular hue?

If you mean the reddish ones, that’s a 1:1 mix of Scale75 Kalahari Orange and Sandelwood. Shade it with 2:2:1 mix Agrax Eartshade, Nuln Oil and Medium. Gives a very nice desaturated red brown

Edited by Qraith

Thanks for the painting guide - I've finally managed to track down the individual paints and I'm all about to test it out on some b1's this weekend. Thanks again for your kind help.

Absolutely stunning paint scheme

26 minutes ago, MicroManager said:

Thanks for the painting guide - I've finally managed to track down the individual paints and I'm all about to test it out on some b1's this weekend. Thanks again for your kind help.

Absolutely stunning paint scheme

Thanks a ton!

You're very welcome! Post some pictures of your progress. Keen to see how they turn out