Beating Under The Ash Mountains

By asgardianphil, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

1 hour ago, Preotet said:

Now I just have to read on the rulings with the one ring and setup cos I know there was some debate about it

If you follow the latest rulings just hope to not draw Inner Strenght in your starting hand cause you would search for it at the last Step of Setup (after the quest Setup instructions), if you go by "common sense" you would simply add it to your hand before drawing the starting hand. Let's hope Caleb will reverse his ruling.

In the particular case of this quest, just hope you don't discard Inner Strength in the quest Setup...

Edited by Alonewolf87

Ok we finally got our hands on this quest after a long wait and played it. The first time we were trashed by it, since we make a few bad timing decisions about wheter to clear side quests or advance the main quest. The second time around, courtesy also of slightly better initial hands we were able to prevail...with literally one card left in the deck.

I must say that the quest is really good in making you feel the despair and dwindling resources of such and endeavor.

Now onto leading a revolt among slaves...