As I'm pretty sure most people who've attempted to paint any of the MoM miniatures probably decided, the bases that come with the game are kind of terrible. So before preparing to paint them, I wanted to buy some new bases and rebase everything before I move onto priming and everything else.
These were the bases I bought a couple months ago, albeit in a few different sizes depending on the mini in question:
The problem I ran into, however, was that I couldn't get them to glue to the minis properly. The glue I had took forever to dry and I had to sit there for minutes trying to hold them in place, just hoping they'd be secure when/if the glue dried properly. (It doesn't help that I don't have especially steady hands) It is glue specifically designed for miniatures, (I believe a Citadel brand I picked up at one of my local stores) and it worked fine for trying to glue together minis with multiple pieces, but I'm sure there are better options available for rebasing. The other problem is that I'm really not sure how to handle especially delicate minis like the Witches or the Zombies. Even with the glue I currently have, I was able to get most of the cultists in place for example, but I must've spent half an hour desperately trying to get one of the witches in place with no luck. Worse yet, even the cultists I glued in place, I'm unsure if the glue will actually hold up over time. I really don't want the minis to accidentally come off their bases while I'm in the middle of painting or during the middle of a game or something.
So generally, any tips/ideas would be greatly appreciated. As well as some recommendations on specific glues to use.