WOOOOOT, I say to you. WOOOOOOT.
WOOOOOT, I say to you. WOOOOOOT.
Thank you sir for that little golden nugget! (^^)b
Took long enough, but I am glad they finally released it for us to use at home.
Agreed. It's quite an interesting one. I like the supporting 'bad guys' especially - making them a bit more than just simple enemy stat-blocks.
It'd obviously need a bit of rewriting to use with 'proper' samurai, but it'd be quite interesting.
especially the "honourable" oni who will genuinely spare you and leave if you give him a fair wrestling match and beat him.
That'd make for an interesting second encounter if the PCs were subsequently to find themselves at the wall and see him/It amongst the enemy lines..... it's the same reason I like the skull-cleaning oni of lantern grove: yes, murderous daemon but it does actually have genuine faith in Fu Leng and is happy to discuss its philosophy with you.
Thank you for sharing the news!
For those who have played it, which order should be played in regards of Sins of Regret and Cresting Waves? Before or after?
38 minutes ago, Nheko said:Thank you for sharing the news!
For those who have played it, which order should be played in regards of Sins of Regret and Cresting Waves? Before or after?
Depends. From a storytelling-narrative standpoint, Highwayman should occur before Sins of Regret. From a power standpoint, I would say Sins of Regret has easier challenges than Highwayman. If you are doing clan Samurai I would use the power progression order. If you are doing Ronin/Gaijin characters, I would increase the challenges in Sins of Regret by adjusting the NPC stats and play that one second. This is a particularly attractive option for the progenerated characters as Maki Haruko, Akagi Daichi, and Hiyabayshi Kenshin for whom would have ample motivation to either join Lord Jikai's court or settle in Twin Blessings Village.