Dr. Strange (SPOILERS, so don't click if you don't want to see them)

By maniakmedic, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

I finally got around to figuring out how to use TTS and played against Rhino with the vanilla Dr. Strange hero pack just to see how it plays. Now I'm REALLY impatient to finally get the actual pack. I was able to play Master of the Mystic Arts with Crimson Bands of Cyttorak on top of the Invocation deck and killed Rhino II in one turn. Rhino spent most of the game stunned thanks to Iron Fist and Crimson Bands. I really love this game. And I really need my Dr. Strange deck.

1 hour ago, maniakmedic said:

I finally got around to figuring out how to use TTS and played against Rhino with the vanilla Dr. Strange hero pack just to see how it plays. Now I'm REALLY impatient to finally get the actual pack. I was able to play Master of the Mystic Arts with Crimson Bands of Cyttorak on top of the Invocation deck and killed Rhino II in one turn. Rhino spent most of the game stunned thanks to Iron Fist and Crimson Bands. I really love this game. And I really need my Dr. Strange deck.

Yeah, that combo is his Gamma-Slam-game-ender for sure. I managed to play it 3 times in one turn (double MotMA I suppose) to finish off the last of the Wrecking Crew in a 3-player match last week.

I still don’t think anything can beat MotMA-ing Winds of Watoomb while you’re setting your board up, for me. (I also tried him in Aggression in a multiplayer game. Hall of Heroes + Winds of Watoomb makes for some insanely large-handed turns 😅 )

I did that with Winds too! So many cards! I'm going to have to try an Aggression build just to see if at some point I can have half of my deck in my hand. I also wonder what the feasibility is of throwing together a deck geared toward keeping the Doc on his feet in order to spam the Invocation deck.

8 hours ago, maniakmedic said:

feasibility is of throwing together a deck geared toward keeping the Doc on his feet in order to spam the Invocation deck.

Well if you’re going through your invocations even at an average of 2.5/turn, he should rarely if ever take damage. Especially if you’ve got an Ally or two out, 7 Rings of Raggador keeps you from ever taking damage pretty well.

2 minutes ago, SpiderMana said:

Well if you’re going through your invocations even at an average of 2.5/turn, he should rarely if ever take damage. Especially if you’ve got an Ally or two out, 7 Rings of Raggador keeps you from ever taking damage pretty well.

The first time I played I was able to get Iron Fist out on the first turn and play 7 Rings. That worked out insanely well. I did find in the whole two times I've played so far that I never needed to use Warning or Desperate Defense and didn't get any use out of Unflappable. Between stunning the villain and having Tough on myself and an ally, it just wasn't needed. One play that was really simple but made me so happy was to stun the villain, then play Vapors of Valtorr to switch the Stun to a Confused, then flip to the alter-ego side so I could finish my turn doing alter-ego things without worrying about increased threat. So much happy out of such a little thing. 😄

I think I'm going to tinker with the Standing Deck idea.

Haha, yeaaaah I played unflappable on him the first time I played him, and I ended up “defending” a few times even with tough just to get the card draw 😂

Any link to where the full deck list is spoiled? I need something to while away the hours of boredom.

5 hours ago, Derrault said:

Any link to where the full deck list is spoiled? I need something to while away the hours of boredom.

The Discord group Marvel Champions LCG has a pdf of his specific cards and a copy of the decklist card. Or I can send you the two PDFs I have.

ETA: Here's the decklist card:


Edited by maniakmedic

@SpiderMana how do you reset the table? I've shut everything down but when I open the game back up again it's still the way I left it. TTS isn't the most intuitive gaming simulator. 😕

ETA: Nevermind. Mine was bugging and I had to delete, then resubscribe in the Workshop.

Edited by maniakmedic
1 hour ago, maniakmedic said:

ETA: Nevermind. Mine was bugging and I had to delete, then resubscribe in the Workshop.

Huh. I mean it does have an auto-save of sorts? When you boot up TTS and click start game, there are 4 rows, and the 4th row includes that auto-save, and any other moments you save (eg I set up Wrecking Crew and saved it so that I wouldn’t have to set it up manually every time). The 3rd row should just be the base mod itself, and should reset the table every time.

3 minutes ago, SpiderMana said:

Huh. I mean it does have an auto-save of sorts? When you boot up TTS and click start game, there are 4 rows, and the 4th row includes that auto-save, and any other moments you save (eg I set up Wrecking Crew and saved it so that I wouldn’t have to set it up manually every time). The 3rd row should just be the base mod itself, and should reset the table every time.

Yeah, the third row icon bugged and wouldn't load. Thankfully deleting it and resubscribing was way faster than subscribing the first time.

So, I threw together a deck to test the always standing idea. I think right now the card pool is just too shallow (though it's entirely possible I've missed some crazy combo; I'm not one of those people who can look at cards and see game-breaking combos, sadly). The only cards in Protection that let you stand are triggered by defending, so that doesn't really help during the player phase. I don't remember any other aspect having standing cards, so I didn't look at them at all. Basic only has Tenacity, and I was having a hard time getting it to sync up with what the rest of the deck was doing. I did throw the Quincarrier in, which was magical. Between that and the Eye of Agamotto there's really no need to include any of the Enhanced cards. I can see friendships ruined over who gets to include Quincarrier in their deck 😂

I really like the mechanics for Dr. Strange. It's just so good.

@maniakmedic what's your username on Discord? We should play on TTS sometime (if we haven't already 😂 )

Avengers Assemble is another card that readies Strange, plus it can target Wong if you Honorary Avenger him. The other card that's key to my Invocation-focused deck is from the Czech article for The Rise of Red Skull. "Earth's Mightiest Heroes" seems to be the translation: 0-cost basic card, "Exhaust an Avenger character you control --> Ready an Avenger character you control."

That's why I went with Leadership. Honorary Avenger Wong + 4 Avengers. If you throw in Team Training (all of your Allies get an extra hitpoint), you can plausibly get 5 Allies out and they just... don't really die very fast? You can tough them up, and cards like Teamwork and Earth's Mightiest Hero give them something to do without taking consequential damage. (I should say, this deck functioned very differently in multiplayer. Solo it was much easier to give Allies tough; in multiplayer you tend to want to give it to the Heroes more.)

Edited by SpiderMana
3 hours ago, SpiderMana said:

@maniakmedic what's your username on Discord? We should play on TTS sometime (if we haven't already 😂 )

Avengers Assemble is another card that readies Strange, plus it can target Wong if you Honorary Avenger him. The other card that's key to my Invocation-focused deck is from the Czech article for The Rise of Red Skull. "Earth's Mightiest Heroes" seems to be the translation: 0-cost basic card, "Exhaust an Avenger character you control --> Ready an Avenger character you control."

That's why I went with Leadership. Honorary Avenger Wong + 4 Avengers. If you throw in Team Training (all of your Allies get an extra hitpoint), you can plausibly get 5 Allies out and they just... don't really die very fast? You can tough them up, and cards like Teamwork and Earth's Mightiest Hero give them something to do without taking consequential damage. (I should say, this deck functioned very differently in multiplayer. Solo it was much easier to give Allies tough; in multiplayer you tend to want to give it to the Heroes more.)


We definitely haven't play together on TTS yet since the few times I've played so far have been solo. I'd definitely be down to try some multiplayer, though.

Because of Dr Strange's innvocation deck, most aspect cards will be used to pay for Innvocation and Signature cards. So it is a weird dynamic where aspect really doesn't matter that much.

But yeah, I played DS-J and BW-P vs Rhino Heroic and yeah, he was stunned and confused so often.

16 hours ago, maniakmedic said:

The Discord group Marvel Champions LCG has a pdf of his specific cards and a copy of the decklist card. Or I can send you the two PDFs I have.

ETA: Here's the decklist card:


Is there anywhere with the details of his non-deck cards yet? We know that Iron Man is in as a Leadership ally, but there's still a Basic, Justice and Aggression card I don't know.

6 hours ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

Is there anywhere with the details of his non-deck cards yet? We know that Iron Man is in as a Leadership ally, but there's still a Basic, Justice and Aggression card I don't know.


Skilled Strike x 3

  • Cost: 0
  • Skill
  • Interrupt: When your hero makes a basic attack, it gets +2 ATK for that attack.


Foiled! x 3

  • Cost: 0
  • Interrupt: When a boost card is turned face up during a scheme activation, cancel its boost icons.

The only two Basic cards I know of are both in his deck:

Warning x 3

  • Cost: 0
  • Defense
  • Interrupt (defense): When a hero would take any amount of damage, reduce that damage by one.

*Sorcerer Supreme x 1

  • Cost: 2
  • Title
  • Play only if you have the Mystic trait. You get a +1 hand size while in hero form.

The cards in Doctor Strange's pack are good, but only in certain decks for the most part. Which isn't a bad thing.

Defense Protection decks are getting a big boost with Desparate Defense and Unflappable.

Momentum Shift (2 cost, deal 2 dmg, heal 2) is only okay right now, tho might be decent with MM. A sustain Protection deck (that focuses on self healing) might be a thing eventually.

Night Nurse is situational but good against specific villains

Iron Fist is crazy good. Clea (2 cost 1/1/2, when defeated shuffle to deck) is good as a cheap ally when Protection is pretty expensive as far as allies go. Brother Voodoo (3 cost, 2(2c)/1/3, search top 5 cards and take event to hand), is situationally good in certain decks.

Skilled Strike is efficient tho low impact and it competes with mean Strike. There may be a deck that runs both tho.

Foiled, is also efficient but pretty low impact. I have a harder time seeing this played.

Warning is pretty weak I think, not worth the card slot in deck.

Edited by Deadwolf
9 minutes ago, Deadwolf said:

Warning is pretty weak I think.

At first blush, I agree, it does look very weak. But then I remember all the times I've taken a single damage in a scenario like Mutagen Formula that pushed the scheme over. I think it's situational, but there are definitely times that it can prevent your hero from losing that last hit point or Green Goblin from scheming out at the last minute. And for a 0 cost card we can't expect too much from it. I'd probably use it as a deck filler card for the most part, but add it more seriously for a scenario like Mutagen Formula.

4 minutes ago, maniakmedic said:

At first blush, I agree, it does look very weak. But then I remember all the times I've taken a single damage in a scenario like Mutagen Formula that pushed the scheme over. I think it's situational, but there are definitely times that it can prevent your hero from losing that last hit point or Green Goblin from scheming out at the last minute. And for a 0 cost card we can't expect too much from it. I'd probably use it as a deck filler card for the most part, but add it more seriously for a scenario like Mutagen Formula.

I needed deck filler when it was core set only but now? 40 cards comes so quick, there hasn't been a single deck I've made where I've struggled to fill with good cards.

19 minutes ago, Deadwolf said:

I needed deck filler when it was core set only but now? 40 cards comes so quick, there hasn't been a single deck I've made where I've struggled to fill with good cards.

When I'm playing around with builds, it really depends. Some ideas I've had don't have enough cards currently to really flesh out so I end up with need for filler. Of course, that means the deck ends up being pretty inefficient, but I've also ran into builds where what I thought was a filler actually ended up being just what the deck needed to work properly.

6 hours ago, Deadwolf said:

Foiled, is also efficient but pretty low impact. I have a harder time seeing this played.

Warning is pretty weak I think, not worth the card slot in deck.

Foiled is a straight improvement on Emergency, for anyone still putting that in Solo decks to deal with Rhino situations where the villain can threat out in one turn.

Warning is, to me, a clear example that the devs haven’t been on the same page with certain effects. Everything about it screams “play this to protect anyone,” except it has the defense keyword which now restricts it to only yourself, and only when you’re taking an attack. So I’m guessing it will get an errata or if we’re lucky they just fix the defense keyword for real.

Enraged + Wong and/or Tigra + SRoR = smashy minions that stick around 😄

7 minutes ago, maniakmedic said:

Enraged + Wong and/or Tigra + SRoR = smashy minions that stick around 😄

Ooo finally a use for Enraged that I can get behind!

Always had a thing for Doc Strange, and these scenes only amplified that fascination. Stephen really showed that he can hang with some serious opposition.

Tony make have sacrificed himself to win, but Stephen was the real victor who set the only winning timeline in motion.

Really looking forward to seeing what he can do in Champions.

(EDIT: And I LOVE what they've done with the Invocation deck idea.)

Edited by Deathseed