'The Alien' Wild Flare, Hostages?

By slagyo, in Cosmic Encounter

The Alien alien has this flare

Wild: At the start of your turn, you may ask one other player to give you five ships which you will hold as hostages, returning them at the end of your turn. Instead of giving you the ships, the player may offer you anything he or she could give you as part of a deal and/or agree to receive cards from your hand. If you accept the deal, all ships remain in place.
( Offense Only ) ( Start Turn )

Super: You may capture a player's ship even if you already have one or more captives from that player. Place a trauma card under each ship you capture.
( Not Offense ) ( Start Turn )

Is anyone able to explain what exactly is meant by the Wild flare?

I am playing the Squee. I play this card at the start of my turn targeting The Virus. The Virus offers me a deal I reject.

What do I do with the 5 ships he gives me? Do I add them to my attack?

Do they get sent to the warp if I lose?

Do they have to be returned to the planet they come from? Can they only be placed to planets that previously had ships but, since being taken hostage, no longer do?

What does hostage mean? it doesn't show up in the rule book, and the instance in the Alien Power card doesn't seem to apply.

Is this card terrible, or very specific, or extremely busted?


I would put the ships on my alien power card. I believe there are powers that use this mechanic when taking ships.